Tunneling all traffic through OpenVPN connection

I completed the tutorial ~~[https://library.linode.com/networking/openvpn/ubuntu-12.04-precise" target="_blank">](https://library.linode.com/networking/o … 04-precise">https://library.linode.com/networking/openvpn/ubuntu-12.04-precise]( without problems. I went all the way to the end as I need DNS forwarding for all traffic from my client machines.

I can connect to my linode openvpn without problems. When I am on the vpn connection I can connect to my linode mailserver and the web client for it. When I try to load a page from my browser (while connected to the VPN) the pages all time out. Any pointers as to where I can look in my configuration to find the source of this problem are appreciated.


2 Replies

It seems like this may be a problem from the client end - I am having the same trouble with a friend's VPN as well. Any tips on where to look to fix this?


I've seen this problem on several occasions and my best guess is that it's an MTU problem. Try reducing the MTU for the OpenVPN tunnel interfaces. I believe this is what worked for me to solve the problem. Also see the paragraph on TCPMSS in the man page for iptables.


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