account set up


i just signed up for an account…but it looks like it could be a wait of 2 days for it to be set up?

10 Replies

Mine was up within hours. Maybe I just had good timing. Keep checking your email :)

even at this late in the night?

Mine was activated around midnight; I had submitted the form about an hour prior.

Has now been 26 days since my credit card was billed and Linode account still hasnt been activated.. and same for a colleague who applied around the same time..

During this time, I've sent 8 emails (assorted efforts to both support and billing addresses), attempted 12 phone calls, left 2 answerphone messages and even tried ICQ but dont seem to be able to get any answer from anyone!

Can anyone confirm whether Linode is still trading and/or accepting new accounts? Is anyone else having similar problems at the moment?

This is WAY out of line for Chris's usual…..have you tried catching him on IRC?


Has now been 26 days since my credit card was billed and Linode account still hasnt been activated.. and same for a colleague who applied around the same time..

During this time, I've sent 8 emails (assorted efforts to both support and billing addresses), attempted 12 phone calls, left 2 answerphone messages and even tried ICQ but dont seem to be able to get any answer from anyone!

Can anyone confirm whether Linode is still trading and/or accepting new accounts? Is anyone else having similar problems at the moment?

This doesn't sound plausable. Are you sure that it was that you are having these issues with? Caker has been on these boards all the time over the past month and has been responding to trouble tickets. I can't imagine that he would ignore you for any reason, let alone for 26 days. I think there is something seriously wrong here either with your credibility or with the means by which you have been trying to contact Caker. You should really use the IRC link on the support home page if you want to get in contact with him.

Agreed it does seem odd, as, reading through the forums, people seem to be generally getting activated much faster than this. I'll try catch him on IRC..


Agreed it does seem odd, as, reading through the forums, people seem to be generally getting activated much faster than this. I'll try catch him on IRC..
I signed up for an account about 10am (UK time) today, and it was activated just before 10pm, so something's working right. Respect where it's due, I'm impressed with the fast turn-around, and from my initial meddling, the web control of my Linode is very slick indeed.



Just a quick followup; have spoken to Chris on IRC and turns out i had been marked as a potential fraudulent signup due to my credit card address and IP address being from different countries at the time of registration! Still, I guess it's reassuring that they do some security checks..

Anyhow, all is now set up and running and from first impressions it seems a very well set up system…. :)


Just a quick followup; have spoken to Chris on IRC and turns out i had been marked as a potential fraudulent signup due to my credit card address and IP address being from different countries at the time of registration! Still, I guess it's reassuring that they do some security checks..

Anyhow, all is now set up and running and from first impressions it seems a very well set up system…. :)

Well it's good to know that you are a legitimate customer and that you were set up once these issues were resolved.

But I do have to wonder, why your emails went unanswered for 26 days. What was up with that???


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