What happens when Bandwidth is exceeded?

Perhaps a stupid question, but I signed up for a linode account and I am assuming that when ones bandwidth is exceeded then all network connectivity is lost?

Some web hosting sites keep the site going, but then charge additional money per MB/GB additional transferred, but I see no reference to anything like that.


5 Replies

I remember seeing the answer to this somewhere on the site. Not quite sure where this information is now, but I recall that there's an overage charge if you exceed your allotted badwidth. I think it's $2 or $3 per GB that you're over.


If you exceed the allocated bw, any additional bw usage would be billed at $1/gig



If you exceed the allocated bw, any additional bw usage would be billed at $1/gig

Really? Then what's the point in buying additional xfer every month, if the overage cost is the same as the prepaid cost?

So that you can better predict your bills…

Linode Staff


Really? Then what's the point in buying additional xfer every month, if the overage cost is the same as the prepaid cost?

Price breaks after 60GB. Under 60GB it's $1/gig.



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