microsoft-ds, what is it and who is using it?


running iftop command sometimes I can see lines like this:


0B 0B 0B

what the hell is microsoft-ds?

my nmap says that this are the opened port.

> Not shown: 988 closed ports


25/tcp open smtp

80/tcp open http

110/tcp open pop3

143/tcp open imap

199/tcp open smux

465/tcp open smtps

587/tcp open submission

993/tcp open imaps

995/tcp open pop3s

1080/tcp open socks

3306/tcp open mysql

8443/tcp open https-alt

4 Replies

That's port 445, Windows uses it for SMB (filesharing). Maybe you're using samba or something? Otherwise you should get that checked out ;)


That's port 445, Windows uses it for SMB (filesharing). Maybe you're using samba or something? Otherwise you should get that checked out ;)

samba is not installed on my linode.

what should I check out?

I'm quite worried about this.



0B 0B 0B
You are sending no data - this is probably someone trying to connect and your server is ignoring it.




0B 0B 0B
You are sending no data - this is probably someone trying to connect and your server is ignoring it.

I like this hypothesis.


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