Beginner/Intermediate books on Linux?

I've been a Linode user for almost 3 years now. When I started out, I had a very limited knowledge of Linux and system administration in general. However, with the help of Linode Library and loads of online tutorials, I can now say that I am somewhat "advanced" beginner. That specifically means that I am able to setup a LAMP/LEMP stack, deploy Rails applications, configure and maintain a mail server (Postfix + Dovecot), etc.

Now I'd like to get some proper education on Linux and system administration in general. What books do you recommend? I need some basic introductions, but not really basic, as well as intermediate level books. What's the best way to expand my knowledge? I have a few dozens of bucks to spare on Kindle books, so please, fire up your suggestions. :-)

1 Reply

Linux Command Line and Shell Scripting Bible, 2nd Edition

by Blum & Bresnahan

ISBN-10: 1118004426

Has Kindle Edition

Good Linux SysAdmin's script everything they possibly can. Once you have good scripts, managing 100's of servers takes about the same effort as managing one or two.

This book definately increased my "Script fu".


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