Linode CLI (developer release #2)

Linode CLI (developer release #2)

A command line tool for interacting with your Linode services.

This is the second early developer release of a command line tool we're working on that will eventually allow you to interact with all Linode services.

We want to thank everyone that has tried Linode CLI so far! Our initial launch was a great success. Our team was excited to receive so many excellent comments and suggestions. We are happy to report we were able to add Eugene's idea for using an environment variable for storing the API key in this version. Thanks Eugene!

What's new in this release?
* Ability to specify multiple labels, allowing actions on customized lists of Linodes ($ linode list mylinode1 mylinode2)

  • Optional waiting, allowing easier customization (–wait -w)

  • Improved error handling and reporting

  • Ability to pass the API key via an environment variable (LINODEAPIKEY)

  • Added -j option for JSON output

  • Squashed a few issues with Perl warnings

New examples

You can now perform actions on multiple Linodes using their labels.

Check the status of some of your Linodes

$ linode show mylinode1 mylinode4

Boot 3 Linodes

$ linode boot mylinode1 mylinode2 mylinode3

There is also the ability to do actions on multiple Linodes the long way

$ linode --action reboot --label mylinode1 --label mylinode2

How to get it

It's hosted on GitHub and is open source, dual licensed under the GPLv2 and the Perl Artistic License. This is a developer release, so for now, you may need to install dependencies manually depending on your system, described in the README. <– right-hand side are the download options

We'll have another release right around the corner, so stay tuned.



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