SSL loading unsecure content

Hi Everyone,

We are currently running 6 servers, but I think only 4 of them are set up as a cluster.

The Cluster is running as our hosting environment for our clients.

We are only hosting WordPress Sites. It's a Gentoo Base System release 2.1.

When ever I try to get SSL to work I get endless redirects or none of the css or JavaScript will load securely.

I have the sites url set to https in the settings file and checked the database, all https:

When you look at the page source most of the links are http:// still.

Now things get weird. I changed wphome and wpsiteurl to and reloaded the login page.

This only Worked b/c i was on the login page. If you tryed to go to a different link, It would take you to

Then I looked at the page source. Check out this screenshot: … .28.53.png">

Some links are http others are https and all set from the same value in the config file….

This is what is there now.

define('WP_HOME', '');

define('WP_SITEURL', '');

I have spent almost 20 hours chasing rabbits. I get the same problems with the default theme and no plugins.

The Contractor that has been working on the server swears its WordPress.

I think it has something to do with the server configuration and how he is serving the SSL's

Same problem on

He also told he that "it's behind a proxy/SSL accelerator, home and siteurl contents are set up, and what we saw testing url generation"

I'm not sure what he means. I do know that no matter what I change the site urls in the config or database, or what I change in the .htaccess files

Something else is serving http:// in from of all the links…

I'm lost and looking for more insight. I'm happy to provide more information please let me know what you need.

  • James Tryon

1 Reply

Problem fix … balancers/">


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