Linode CLI (developer release #1)
A command line tool for interacting with your Linode services.
This is a very early developer release of a command line tool we're working on that will eventually allow you to interact with all Linode services.
What's new in this release?
* Initial CLI foundational work
Support for Linodes (list, show, stop, start, restart, rename, group and create)
Checking the status of just one Linode, or all of the Linodes in your account (list and show)
Human formatted output or optionally JSON
Beginnings of help screens and manpage
Why a developer release?
We'd like to incorporate your feedback as early on in the development process as possible. So, here it is - in very early and unpolished form, and we'll be developing it out in the open. We have a very active team working on implementing the remaining features - so stay tuned, as you'll be seeing us releasing updates frequently.
Below is an example of listing Linodes under your account, in human-readable format.
$ linode list
label id status backups disk ram
linodefrontend1 900001 running yes 24GB 1GB
linodebackend1 900002 running yes 48GB 1GB
linodedevelopment 900003 running no 48GB 1GB
The linode-cli will also output in JSON if passed the –json flag.
Where do I get it?
Please do keep in mind that this is a developer release, and that the final versions will be packaged up and very easy to install. For now, you may need to install dependencies manually depending on your system, described in the README.
It's hosted on GitHub and is open source, dual licensed under the GPLv2 and the Perl Artistic License.