Setting up fail2ban for Postfix

I put this in my jail.local file:

enabled  = true
port     = smtp,ssmtp
filter   = postfix
action   = mail-whois[name=postfix,]
logpath  = /var/log/mail.log
maxretry = 10

How do I add an iptables action to this? There are two possible ports, so I'm not sure what would be in the port and protocol parameters:

iptables[name=postfix, port=??, protocol=??]

2 Replies

It looks like you can have multiple actions, so something like the below would cover both ports.

action   = mail-whois[name=postfix,]
           iptables[name=postfix, port=smtp, protocol=tcp]
           iptables[name=postfix, port=ssmtp, protocol=tcp]

Neither of these services can really be accessed over UDP, so putting TCP as the protocol should cover it. For a service that can be accessed over both, you can just add extra actions having protocol=udp.


It looks like you can have multiple actions, so something like the below would cover both ports.

action   = mail-whois[name=postfix,]
           iptables[name=postfix, port=smtp, protocol=tcp]
           iptables[name=postfix, port=ssmtp, protocol=tcp]

Neither of these services can really be accessed over UDP, so putting TCP as the protocol should cover it. For a service that can be accessed over both, you can just add extra actions having protocol=udp.
Thanks, that makes sense :)


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