Need ability to cancel migration queue

So I went into a Linode Dashboard this morning and it said an upgrade is pending to increase more space, so I clicked it and it allocated the increase in space but did not shutdown the linode to apply it, I shall do that at a better time for the shutdown.

I went into another Linode and thought I had the same upgrade message (I cant say as its gone now). I clicked it thinking it will be the same as above and this is the message I immediately had with no confirmation and no opportunity to cancel:

You are in the Migration Queue!

Your position is 1 out of 1 queued migrations in this Linode's datacenter.

Your Linode will be automatically shut down, migrated, and returned to its last state.

That was a bit of a surprise I expected the same message as the first Linode, OR due to the seriousness of a shutdown at least a Confirm question. There was neither a confirm question or an option to cancel out of the queue.

I think this is quite serious. With a simple quick click on a link, my Linode and all its websites are now shutting down and I cant stop it. Its a peak hour this time, customers checking emails etc.

2 Replies

The message is different, in the bottom left it says 'Migration not required' or 'Migration required' in bold. Although a little javascript popup if migration is required to confirm wouldn't hurt.

I think confirmation is vital, I did not notice this message. ALL my other Linodes did not start automatically so thought it would be the same.


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