No ext4 mounting option?

Why is it that linode only allows you to select ext3 filing system and does not yet accept ext4? Anybody know if this will change as ext4 has been around for a while now…



7 Replies

I asked the same months ago but never get an answer.

You're welcome to make a raw disk and create an ext4 filesystem and use that for your Linode.

At this time, we do not have an ETA for changing the recommended format.

  • Les

Hi Les,

Thanks for the reply. I was aware of this, the major problem with that though is that when backups are restored your system automatically reverts them to and EXT3 format again, so you have to keep repeating unnecessary steps.

It's a shame you've not got any plans to change it in the near future… :(


You're welcome to make a raw disk and create an ext4 filesystem and use that for your Linode.

At this time, we do not have an ETA for changing the recommended format.

  • Les

can I know why EXT3 is recommended over EXT4?


You can mount ext3 as ext4 and get some of the benefits just by changing fstab from ext3 to ext4.


You can mount ext3 as ext4 and get some of the benefits just by changing fstab from ext3 to ext4.

yes this is true, but why get "some" and not all?

why ext3 is the recommended file system?

Because Linode's software doesn't support ext4, and it hasn't been a priority for them to fix that.


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