Help with a Sieve Script.


I need help with a sieve script.

I added this script to my sieve server.

require ["imap4flags","fileinto","vacation"];
# rule:[Netgear]
if allof (header :is "Subject" "NETGEAR DGN2200v3 Log")
    setflag "\\Seen";
    fileinto "NetgearLog";
# rule:[RenatoResponder]
if allof (header :contains "From" "aDomainName")
    vacation :subject "Subject" "bodyMsg";

The first rule works as expected, if the email contains the netgear subject it moves it to the netgearlog folder and mark the email as read.

The second should answer with a vacation msg, I see no error at all in log but no msg is sent.

Can you help plese?

Have you got an idea on how to troubleshoot this problem?

2 Replies

reading the log I founded this:

"discarding vacation response for message implicitly delivered to"

It seems that this message is fired when the email address of the receiver is not in the To: of the message header.

This it isn't true since the header of the message I receive is like this:

To: "Davide" any idea?

The problem was generated from the fact that the mail address where I activated the vacation uses aliases

and this not works for aliases.

No problem for me.


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