Roudcubemail + vacation plugin


is there someone who get the vacation plugin working in roundcube?

If yes, can you tell me what plugin you are using and what version of roundcube please?


4 Replies

You can use Managesieve plugin for Roundcube and get that functionality. Of course, this will only work if you're running Dovecot because Sieve is written specifically for it, or at least I think it is, and you didn't tell us what mail stack you're running. I'm using Managesieve plugin which comes bundled with default Roundcube installation and it's pretty simple to configure and you get a nice GUI inside Roundcube for configuring pretty much anything you want.

I thought to this before and I opened a thread for this:

With Roundcube plugin, you don't ever need to write Sieve scripts manually, you get a nice GUI that does all that for you, so be free to check it out if you've installed Roundcube.

Yes, I have seen it, thanks :)


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