postfix admin on ubuntu after following linode tutorial

Hello everyone,

I recently followed the tutorial for setting up postfix & dovecot on ubuntu 12.04 It's working great, I have email up and running.

The problem is I just discovered postfix admin and I'm not sure exactly how to go about making it work with the information I already have in the databases.

Does anyone have any advice?

Thanks so much,


7 Replies

:( I really needs some advice here.

I suspect no one's responded because either 1) They've never used postfix admin (I haven't, most people around here use the command line). and 2) You haven't provided any details of what happens when you try and integrate it with your existing setup

Esentially this is a mysql question. PostfixAdmin manages entries in a MySQL database. The database is structured similar to the one you created from the tutorial.

You could install PostfixAdmin, creating a new database, setup your domains and mail accounts, then review your Postfix config to see what needs changing in order for Postfix to work with the new database. e.g., table names and field names may be different. The PostfixAdmin documentation will help….


I suspect no one's responded because either 1) They've never used postfix admin (I haven't, most people around here use the command line). and 2) You haven't provided any details of what happens when you try and integrate it with your existing setup
Nothing happens as I hadn't done anything yet accept setup postfixadmin and postfix/dovecot following the tutorial.


Esentially this is a mysql question. PostfixAdmin manages entries in a MySQL database. The database is structured similar to the one you created from the tutorial.

You could install PostfixAdmin, creating a new database, setup your domains and mail accounts, then review your Postfix config to see what needs changing in order for Postfix to work with the new database. e.g., table names and field names may be different. The PostfixAdmin documentation will help….

Yes it is a mysql question. Thank you for your suggestions, I'll take a look.


:( I really needs some advice here.
I spent 4 - 5 hours fighting with pfadmin back in August and was never able to get it to work. I gave up and installed Zimbra, which is very nice, but requires at least a 3GB Linode all by itself. This may not be practical if you wanted to server & manage your email from the same Linode as your websites.

Might want to try Webmin instead of pfadmin. Why back when I used it (now it's just as easy to edit the config files with a text editor) so don't have a clue if it's "kept up" or not.

Just be sure to follow the instructions (from Webmin) on how to force it to use https and keep it patched to date and it's secure (or as secure as public facing web apps can be).

Webmin is very easy, but if you already have a control panel installed a 2nd control panel may cause conflicts with any services/features provided by the 1st.


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