Longview View Options - Historic Graphs

Hi Linode

I am looking at Lonview and have a question… at the moment we use CopperEgg. We have a 42" TV on the wall with all our server monitoring graphs displaying (see link below). Each graph shows historic data, so we can see performance over the past hour or so. This is the main reason we use CopperEgg, as I could not find anyone else who provides this historical global view of all servers on one screen.

Is it possible to do this in Longview? Because Longview pricing may be better for us when I add more servers (at the moment I have 13 servers which makes the 40 server plan more expensive that CopperEgg). In Longview it looks like I can only see a snapshot of the current server health at that moment, and no historic graphs that can be shown on the same page as all other servers.

See this image or our view http://img89.imageshack.us/img89/6708/w9tx.jpg. Servers also change to orange then red when they get to critical resource usage.

Thanks a lot

1 Reply

I know its an old thread, but this issue has reared its head again for me. I need to find an alternative to CopperEgg but I cant find anyone who provides the above snapshop, that is all servers, one page, showing recent historical graphs for RAM, with drivespace and CPU on it. So everything in once place.

Can we do this with Longview? Maybe its in the works? I cant see how the Longview Dashboard is of any use showing only one metric at that point in time.



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