Courier IMAP for Redhat9

This is a fairly basic question & I may be missing the obvious.

Where can I find an RPM for courier imap for Redhat 9. I tried and it only seems to have up to Redhat 7.

(I would also like to find an RPM for UW imap as well. Where do you look?)

3 Replies


This is a fairly basic question & I may be missing the obvious.

Where can I find an RPM for courier imap for Redhat 9. I tried and it only seems to have up to Redhat 7.

(I would also like to find an RPM for UW imap as well. Where do you look?)

I don't think that the Courier author likes to distribute his stuff via binary RPMs, I have no idea why. However, he does provide his software in a form that is very easy to build into a binary RPM.

You first have to download the source tarball at:

Then you simply build it into an RPM with:

rpmbuild -ta courier-imap-1.7.1.tar.bz2 (or whatever the file name is)

Note that his source code actually checks to make sure that you are not root before allowing you to build, so you have to build as a normal user.

I can't remember if you have to create an RPM source directory for the local user for the purposes of building the RPMs into, but if you do need to and don't know how, post here and I will let you know how to do this …

You will REALLY want to read:

and also:

It can be a little tricky to configure it all because it has so many authentication and userdb options, so read those documents over and over again until you are SURE of what you are doing. Then build and installl, do whatever post-installation is necessary for your specific site, and enjoy. Once built to your specifications, Courier is absolutely 100% completely rock solid.


(I would also like to find an RPM for UW imap as well. Where do you look?)

Don't bother. UW imap sucks.



(I would also like to find an RPM for UW imap as well. Where do you look?)

Don't bother. UW imap sucks.

True enough, but to answer the original question: the 'imap' rpm in RH9 is the UW imap (also UW pop2, UW pop3, and probably other things). But don't bother: get courier working.


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