Nodebalancer: IPv6 and TCP passthrough?


We'd like to use a Nodebalancer to forward IPv6 SSL traffic to some Linodes. The nodebalancer wouldn't be acting as an SSL terminator but in TCP mode.

From my reading, it looks like the nodebalancer only talks IPv4 on the back end. How would unterminated IPv6 SSL traffic be passed through to the (SSL-terminating) backends in light of this?


3 Replies

It would talk to your linode's ipv4 private range ip's. note you will lose data like the originating ip address as the nodebalancer is terminating the traffic and forwarding it along to your backends.

In TCP mode, the NodeBalancer does the same thing no matter what kind of traffic is send to it: it takes the traffic and proxies it to one of your backends. The content of the packets stays as-is, the source becomes a private IPv4 address used by the NodeBalancer (not constant) and the destination becomes the private IP of your backend. When you respond, the NodeBalancer does the same act in reverse, sending the contents back to the originating IP with a source of the public IP the client connected to. It works the same whether or not they used IPv4 or IPv6 to talk to the NodeBalancer.

  • Les

Thanks Les, sounds good.


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