Need Help

I haven't been able to log on to the FTP/SFTP at all. I am new at all this stuff and need help.

my site is

HOw do I find the root access? What do I use?

I'm trying to use Dreamweaver and when I try towards the end it says timed out/user permissions exceeded.

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

11 Replies

Can't you use the Lish Console on the Remote Access tab in your Linode Manager? That should give you root access.

I'm sorry but I'm new at this so I have no idea how to work anything. I went there, do I just put that as root directory or do I have to use my site address?


I'm sorry but I'm new at this so I have no idea how to work anything. I went there, do I just put that as root directory or do I have to use my site address?

  • Log into your Linode Manager.
  • Click on the 'Remote Access' tab.

  • Click on 'Launch Lish Ajax Console' near the bottom of the page.

~~ a window will open with a console login prompt

  • Enter your root user name at the login prompt and press the 'Enter' key.

  • Enter your password at the password prompt and press the 'Enter' key.

If you don't have your password I'm not sure how you'll log in.

It already has a user name there when I go there.


It already has a user name there when I go there.
It's a command line prompt and it shouldn't have any user name when it displays.

You should open a support ticket and see if they can help you.

Tried that they have no idea what their talking about. I keep asking the same question they keep replying to me on how to reset my password LOL.

Anyway I could give you info and you can check it out for me?

I'm not sure we're exactly understanding what you're trying to accomplish.

Are you trying to use Dreamweaver to upload or edit website content? Perhaps Dreamweaver expects the username and password for the account on your Linode that owns the website files. This might be your root account or some other account you created.

If you don't know any of the passwords for the accounts on your system, you could reset the root password from within the Linode manager, log in (via SSH or Lish) with the new root password, and then reset the password for the user account Dreamweaver needs to use.


Tried that they have no idea what their talking about. I keep asking the same question they keep replying to me on how to reset my password LOL.
Sorry to do this, but I feel the need to defend the support team here. I read your ticket in entirety and they've answered all of your questions as best we can. We don't have access to your Linode, nor do we know things like your FTP passwords (or if you even have an FTP server installed), etc. Linode support wants to help you, it's what we live for - but realize there is a limit to what we can help you with. They have done a great job so far offering suggestions to you.

Good luck,



Tried that they have no idea what their talking about.
The Linode Support Staff are the fastest responding, brightest hosting talent I've ever had the pleasure of doing business with.



Tried that they have no idea what their talking about. I keep asking the same question they keep replying to me on how to reset my password LOL.
Sorry to do this, but I feel the need to defend the support team here. I read your ticket in entirety and they've answered all of your questions as best we can. We don't have access to your Linode, nor do we know things like your FTP passwords (or if you even have an FTP server installed), etc. Linode support wants to help you, it's what we live for - but realize there is a limit to what we can help you with. They have done a great job so far offering suggestions to you.

Good luck,

Haven't your team sorted out the "do what I want" module yet? Or is it dependent on the "mind reading" module being completed?


Tried that they have no idea what their talking about. I keep asking the same question they keep replying to me on how to reset my password LOL.

Anyway I could give you info and you can check it out for me?

You should contact the person that configured the Linode for you. No offense but you seem to have so little knowledge of the system and basic stuff (e.g. Lish/SSH and which user/pass to use where) that I doubt you'll be able to fix the problem yourself through the command line.

As a sidenote it's not really a good idea to give away credentials to others. No one in this thread, with the exception of caker works at Linode. Everyone is just a stranger from the internet:)


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