How many IP addresses has anyone added to a single linode?

My record is 16 so far.

5 Replies

From what I have been told, there is a hard limit of 25 IPv4 addresses per linode.


From what I have been told, there is a hard limit of 25 IPv4 addresses per linode.
There is no such technical limitation, however we do enforce that limit as our policy (which can be adjusted on a case-by-case basis).

We do require technical justification for additional public IPv4 addresses before raising the limit on a Linode.


Someone has 100+, wow.

How do people mitigate having to reboot the linode to bind the extra address? It only takes a minute, but for a high-traffic server it's still really annoying.



From what I have been told, there is a hard limit of 25 IPv4 addresses per linode.
There is no such technical limitation, however we do enforce that limit as our policy (which can be adjusted on a case-by-case basis).

We do require technical justification for additional public IPv4 addresses before raising the limit on a Linode.


I wouldn't imagine that 25 would be a technical limit.

Does each additional IPv4 address need justification, or is that only if you need more than 25?

Each one needs justification, which basically boils down to either 1) A HA setup or 2) SSL certs


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