LAMP with PHP5.5 + Memcache OR with PHP5.3 + APC + Memcache


What is your thought on the below PHP version with Linode cloud servers? and what do you advice? any better performance?

1) LAMP with PHP Version 5.5.3-1 + Memcache? and why?

2) LAMP with PHP 5.3 + APC + Memcache? and why?


A newsbie dreamer

6 Replies

The actual question is why would you stick with an older PHP version? PHP 5.5 has Zend opcache built in, which replaces APC (and is imo better, performance wise)


The actual question is why would you stick with an older PHP version? PHP 5.5 has Zend opcache built in, which replaces APC (and is imo better, performance wise)
We're testing a VPS with PHP 5.5 on it, but we have some older sites that break in 5.4 (some open source ecom sites). Once we're done with our testing we may spin off the older sites onto a VPS of their own with 5.3, or we may just use the 5.5 VPS for all our new sites.

We just set up a Zimbra mail server that is using APC. Zimbra is a RAM pig (thanks java!), and it loves the swap space, but the APC helps keep the UI snappy.

Thanks for your contribution.

So you point is to go with LAMP with PHP Version 5.5 + Memcache. But is any good reason for the huge change?




Since you've rolled your own backend you should be sure to read these links to be sure nothing in your code will break (or start filling your logs with 'Warnings'):

  • … atible.php">

  • … atible.php">

You might also check out the 'Deprecated features' for both versions as well.

Thank you all. I have moved to php 5.5 and everything seems to be going well. But of course I needed to switch off APC


You can easily disable APC by removing (or just moving) the apc.ini file. In most installations it's located here:


If it's not there it's in your PHP conf.d dir (unless you added "" directly to your php.ini file).


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