phpmyadmin installation on debian 7

hi. Can someone help me with phpmyadmin installation on debian 7 ?

I am following this guide … ck-install">

I did not use the package manager to install phphmyadmin, instead I downloaded

it says I need to create a file in /phpmyadmin/config/

Then using the GUI page in the web browser /phpmyadmin/config I added a new server, and hit save

at the end, the GUI page told me to copy in the top level dir, and delete /config folder to start using

i have done that , but when I point the browser to the top level /phpmyadmin directory

in the browser all I get is a blank page

apache2 error log shows: PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function PMADBInum_rows() in /var/www/phpmyadmin/libraries/navigation/Nodes/Node.class.php on line 397

thanks in advance.

1 Reply

A quick google says: … i-num-rows">


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