Train Spamassassin path issue

Trying to send the taining commands to spamassassin, but having issue with path to junk storage.

sa-learn --no-sync --spam /var/mail/vhosts/{cur,new}
sa-learn --no-sync --spam /var/mail/vhosts/{cur,new}
sa-learn --no-sync --spam /var/mail/vhosts/{cur,new}
sa-learn --no-sync --spam /var/mail/vhosts/{cur,new}

I always get: unable to open XXX No such file or directory. I can cd to /var/mail/vhosts/ and ls to see new, cur and tmp.

What am I doing wrong?

(Used this to set up email a while ago: … 0.19-mysql">

4 Replies

jgjh151, does sa-learn have permissions to access those directories?

@Main Street James:

jgjh151, does sa-learn have permissions to access those directories?

Thats a good question. I don't remember adding that user to those folders in the process. How should I go about checking that and then doing it?

You can check using the 'ls' command:

  • cd /var/mail/vhosts/

  • ls -lA

You should get a listing of the files along with their permissions, owner and group.

Yes, sa-learn is a command. I'm not very familiar with SA, so I wasn't sure if you were in an application like you would be if running mysql config commands.

Which user are you trying to run the sa-learn commands as? Try one of them preceded by 'sudo': sudo sa-learn --no-sync --spam /var/mail/vhosts/{cur,new}


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