Domain keeps switching between two I.P. addresses

I have a domain, "" that seems to be switching back and forth between and

The correct I.P. is happens to be one that belonged to a Linode I deleted about a week or so ago.

I posted about this previously and I thought the problem was had gone away, but the domain is resolving to the wrong I.P. again now.

Here's my DNS config…

![](" />

5 Replies

I'm getting the correct IP back from all the nameservers. How are you testing this?

I'm using dig a (up to ns5) - all of them report the correct IP.

Just a guess (based on past experience :o ) … did you create an entry in your local machine's hosts file, and forget to remove it?



I'm never touching that file again.

Sorry, everyone :(

Hi All,

Me too have facing this same issue, I did not have any host file entry at all so i did the below mentioned steps to fix the issue but no luck.
Steps Taken:

Disable and Enable the network adapter

Final i did the Restart the Machine. Its starts working!!!

I kindly ask linode team and community members to help us to find the root cause of this issue and provide the solution to fix this issue


I think it might be best if you were to create a new Community Question, as this is a 7 year old forum post.

Based on the info provided, I'm unsure whether you're still experiencing an issue. You mentioned:

Me too have facing this same issue,
I kindly ask linode team and community members to help us to find the root cause of this issue and provide the solution to fix this issue

but also:

Final i did the Restart the Machine. Its starts working!!!

Without information such as the Domain having an issue, we can only guess as to what might be the issue.


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