DNS issue? 2 different URLs are pointing to the same content

I'm hosting 3 different sites on my Linode. Each site has a different URL and is in a different folder. Ex;




Used this guide to set everything up: https://library.linode.com/hosting-webs … tual-hosts">https://library.linode.com/hosting-website#sph_configuring-name-based-virtual-hosts

All domain names are on namecheap with the DNS transferred to Linode following the guide: https://library.linode.com/hosting-webs … ns-records">https://library.linode.com/hosting-website#sph_adding-dns-records

The first 2 sites that I set up work perfectly. Yesterday I set up site 3, doing the exact same things I did before. When I go to the URL for site3, it instead points to the content of site2. If I enter the server IP address it points to site2.

How do I troubleshoot this? Let me know if additional info is needed.

Thank you!

2 Replies

Well, you would correct the error, typo, missed step, etc., that you made when following the guide to add the 4th site. Review the steps in the guide and make sure you actually followed all of them correctly. It's very likely that if you had followed the exact same procedure for site 4 as you did for sites 1-3, site 4 would work as expected.

If you'd like the folks on the forum to find your error for you, you'll need to provide a lot more information. You could list the contents of /etc/apache2/sites-available and /etc/apache2/sites-enabled along with all of your virtual host configuration files (the ones like /etc/apache2/sites-available/example.com in the guide).

You did reload your apache configuration after adding the 4th site, right?

Thanks dcraig- I went through and doublechecked everything, made no changes, restarted apache one more time (even though i did that before) and everything started working.

Not sure what happened. But thanks ;).


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