Restrict access to folder
For using the FCKEditor (in phpList) I got the following advice on another site.
> For sessions use your site's user roles. So an admin will have access to certain files/folders, regular users to other files/folders, etc., depending on how your site's users are defined and how you set it up.
I want to protect the FCKEditor folder from outside, so that only I can access it. How can I do this?
The FCKEditor folder is inside my /home/username/public/ folder, i.e. it is accessible through which I don't want.
3 Replies
This means that I just need to put the .htpasswd file into the FCKEditor folder?
This means that I just need to put the .htpasswd file into the FCKEditor folder?
No, you'll need to put the .htpasswd somewhere (I usually have them in a non-public facing directory) and use an .htaccess file in the FCKEditor folder to set the requirement to use it.
Here's a basic overview of it's use: