fail2ban crashes my server.

as title.

I noticed that every 3 months fail2ban crashes my server.

after three months my logs are big enough and fail2ban needs hours to analyze them all.

after some hours of CPU load my server stops responding and I need to reboot it.

have you got some idea on how to solve?

why fail2ban rescan logs from scratch from time to time ?

4 Replies

Is logrotate installed and working OK?


Is logrotate installed and working OK?


Is it just scanning the current log files, or is it scanning all of the old logs which have been rotated out, as well?


Is it just scanning the current log files, or is it scanning all of the old logs which have been rotated out, as well?

I don't think that is scans old files.

the strange things is that fail2ban hurt my CPU on small log also.

four logs of about 25mb per log is enough to crash my server down.

any idea?


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