Debian and PHP

Okay am I missing something here? I'm new to Debian, and to apt-get…

Alright I'm setting up PHP in CGI mode and went off the stable source (apt-get install apache php4-cgi php4-mysql) everything was great… except the PHP version was back from 4.1 and I would kinda like to have the 4.3 build so I stepped up to the testing source… After doing another apt-get for php4-cgi, things are no longer working. I'm getting errors of malformed headers in the logs and if I do this

dheigh:/etc/apache# php4 -v

PHP 4.3.3 (cli) (built: Nov 19 2003 23:12:29)

Copyright (c) 1997-2003 The PHP Group

Zend Engine v1.3.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2003 Zend Technologies

It clearly shows that this is the CLI version of PHP which would make sense… it's not spitting out any headers from the script.

Soooo, is there an option to activate headers? Why would whomever managing the php4-cgi package build the CLI version and not change the name?

Or is there something about the CLI and CGI versions of PHP that I am unaware of? Are they more closely related than I realize?

Thanks guys!

1 Reply

The end all be all solution to this is to compile it all myself - which I'm coming close to doing - but it's really bugging me that the apt-get packages aren't working…


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