Caching combo
Currently have several WordPress sites on nginx. Haven't installed WP Super Cache yet, but it sounds like this could prevent most pages from even having to run Php once cached. One VPS has several Wordpress sites, two with decent traffic. Figured some combo of caching would lower load/cpu.
Nginx caching,
Php Apc,
MySQL Query Cache,
Wp Super Cache.
Any other info I can provide?
5 Replies
IIRC the PHP devs decided to include APC in newer versions, however you should still be able to switch back and forth.
There's also memcache, which I haven't used.
You can also set nginx to cache static content to web browsers.
I've had good experience with xcache for PHP. It seems to handle variable data quite well provided you keep the TTL on the variable cache fairly short.
IIRC the PHP devs decided to include APC in newer versions, however you should still be able to switch back and forth.
There's also memcache, which I haven't used.
You can also set nginx to cache static content to web browsers.
PHP 5.5 does indeed include Zend Opcache
Maybe I should just increase apc and mysql query cache size?