Postfix reject_non_fqdn_helo_hostname

In Postfix config I have this block:

# HELO restrictions: #
smtpd_delay_reject = yes
smtpd_helo_required = yes
smtpd_helo_restrictions =
#    reject_non_fqdn_helo_hostname,

If I un-comment the "rejectnonfqdnhelohostname", then anything I send gets rejected with a message like this:

Server error: '504 5.5.2 <jhome>: Helo command rejected: need fully-qualified hostname'</jhome> 

This example was a message I sent using Outlook on home computer. I was trying to send it from an email on my VPS to another email on VPS, two different domains. I got the message though when sending to external emails as well. SO for now, I comment out that line and mail works fine.

I have fqdn set in /etc/hosts and in Postfix config, also have a DNS entry for the fqdn and it resolves fine. Do I need to tell postfix to send an fqdn when sending email somewhere?

17 Replies

Are the hostname and rDNS set correctly?

Also, have you tried setting the same MX record for both domains? That should be unnecessary, however ideally the MX record should include the hostname of the machine postfix runs on, e.g. if the hostname is the MX record could be (or something similar including

Also, what is the final "permit" for under those helo_restrictions? Does that include something else in your real config? Otherwise, you probably don't need it because it doesn't tell what to permit.

Your client (Outlook?) is sending "HELO jhome" (or "EHLO jhome") to the server. This isn't an FQDN and so the rule is rejecting it.

Your client needs to be configured to send FQDNs.

You could move that rule to smtpdclientrestrictions and precede it with permitsaslauthenticated, like so:

smtpd_client_restrictions = permit_sasl_authenticated,

This allows anyone who authenticates while sending mail to bypass the FQDN check. (From the documentation, I don't think permitsaslauthenticated is available within smtpdhelorestrictions, or I would have suggested placing it there.)

You want to be careful with rejectnonfqdnhelohostname. I stopped using it after it blocked some legitimate mail.

Lots of people who should know better screw up their HELO hostname.

Mail coming directly from client applications may often appear misconfigured.

The best solution I've found is to configure port 587 – the smtp submission port -- for client usage. Basically all restrictions (like rejectnonfqdnhelohostname) are lifted and only authenticated user allowed. Port 25 is used only for server-server communication and authenticated clients are NOT allowed.

Added this:
> smtpdclientrestrictions = permitsaslauthenticated,


Restarted Postfix and got same message.


Are the hostname and rDNS set correctly?
They are.


Also, have you tried setting the same MX record for both domains? That should be unnecessary, however ideally the MX record should include the hostname of the machine postfix runs on, e.g. if the hostname is the MX record could be (or something similar including
Mx record has same domain as mail server, yes.


Also, what is the final "permit" for under those helo_restrictions? Does that include something else in your real config? Otherwise, you probably don't need it because it doesn't tell what to permit.

I think I found it here…and was like this a few other places…


Your client (Outlook?) is sending "HELO jhome" (or "EHLO jhome") to the server. This isn't an FQDN and so the rule is rejecting it.

Your client needs to be configured to send FQDNs.

How do you configure Outlook to send fqdn?

This isn't something anyone sending email to me would do, so their email will be blocked right?


Added this:
> smtpdclientrestrictions = permitsaslauthenticated,


Restarted Postfix and got same message.

This appears to have worked…originally, I added this and uncommented the rejectnonfqdnhelohostname in the helo restrictions for some reason. All good now, thanks.

Now I can send and receive via email client on my computer to any other email. I can receive email in Roundcube, but I can't send anything from Roundcube. I get this message when clicking send to any other email:

> SMTP Error (554): Failed to add recipient "" (5.7.1 <>: Relay access denied).

(Real email address replaced in code)

Not sure if this is a postfix or roundcube config issue…I think roundcube since I can send and receive in mail client on computer, just not webmail. Any other info I can provide?


Now I can send and receive via email client on my computer to any other email. I can receive email in Roundcube, but I can't send anything from Roundcube. I get this message when clicking send to any other email:

> SMTP Error (554): Failed to add recipient "" (5.7.1 <>: Relay access denied).

(Real email address replaced in code)

Not sure if this is a postfix or roundcube config issue…I think roundcube since I can send and receive in mail client on computer, just not webmail. Any other info I can provide?

Are you using a distro package for roundcube? If so, I'd recommend getting it from roundcube's official web site. Distro packages of PHP apps tend to be out of date.

If you're already using the most recent version of roundcube, paste the configuration files here, maybe some roundcube users can spot the issue. You can (and should) change any passwords in the files. Just remember to hit the Code button on the forum's reply screen to make the forum format it for you.

> Are you using a distro package for roundcube? If so, I'd recommend getting it from roundcube's official web site. Distro packages of PHP apps tend to be out of date.
Using latest version from roundcube site. Tried distro originally, too many issues, such as config files in like 3 different location. Uninstalled all of that and uploaded version in single location from RC site.

APC is on this VPS and turned on for this domain, could that be an issue even with null in the config file below?

Config file:

Using this for three different domains which is why you'll see some variables instead of hardcoded domains. Imap works fine with these settings. I tried using same mail domain, user, pw variable settings I have for imap in the smtp and it didn't work, this is showing latest updates…

/sendmail or to syslog
$rcmail_config['smtp_log'] = true;

// Log successful logins to <log_dir>/userlogins or to syslog
$rcmail_config['log_logins'] = false;

// Log session authentication errors to <log_dir>/session or to syslog
$rcmail_config['log_session'] = false;

// Log SQL queries to <log_dir>/sql or to syslog
$rcmail_config['sql_debug'] = false;

// Log IMAP conversation to <log_dir>/imap or to syslog
$rcmail_config['imap_debug'] = false;

// Log LDAP conversation to <log_dir>/ldap or to syslog
$rcmail_config['ldap_debug'] = false;

// Log SMTP conversation to <log_dir>/smtp or to syslog
$rcmail_config['smtp_debug'] = false;

// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------

// The mail host chosen to perform the log-in.
// Leave blank to show a textbox at login, give a list of hosts
// to display a pulldown menu or set one host as string.
// To use SSL/TLS connection, enter hostname with prefix ssl:// or tls://
// Supported replacement variables:
// %n - hostname ($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])
// %t - hostname without the first part
// %d - domain (http hostname $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] without the first part)
// %s - domain name after the '@' from e-mail address provided at login screen
// For example %n = mail.domain.tld, %t = domain.tld
// WARNING: After hostname change update of mail_host column in users table is
//          required to match old user data records with the new host.
$rcmail_config['default_host'] = 'ssl://mail.%t';

// TCP port used for IMAP connections
$rcmail_config['default_port'] = 993;

// IMAP AUTH type (DIGEST-MD5, CRAM-MD5, LOGIN, PLAIN or null to use
// best server supported one)
$rcmail_config['imap_auth_type'] = PLAIN;

// If you know your imap's folder delimiter, you can specify it here.
// Otherwise it will be determined automatically
$rcmail_config['imap_delimiter'] = null;

// If IMAP server doesn't support NAMESPACE extension, but you're
// using shared folders or personal root folder is non-empty, you'll need to
// set these options. All can be strings or arrays of strings.
// Folders need to be ended with directory separator, e.g. "INBOX."
// (special directory "~" is an exception to this rule)
// These can be used also to overwrite server's namespaces
$rcmail_config['imap_ns_personal'] = null;
$rcmail_config['imap_ns_other']    = null;
$rcmail_config['imap_ns_shared']   = null;

// By default IMAP capabilities are readed after connection to IMAP server
// In some cases, e.g. when using IMAP proxy, there's a need to refresh the list
// after login. Set to True if you've got this case.
$rcmail_config['imap_force_caps'] = false;

// By default list of subscribed folders is determined using LIST-EXTENDED
// extension if available. Some servers (dovecot 1.x) returns wrong results
// for shared namespaces in this case.
// Enable this option to force LSUB command usage instead.
$rcmail_config['imap_force_lsub'] = false;

// Some server configurations (e.g. Courier) doesn't list folders in all namespaces
// Enable this option to force listing of folders in all namespaces
$rcmail_config['imap_force_ns'] = false;

// IMAP connection timeout, in seconds. Default: 0 (no limit)
$rcmail_config['imap_timeout'] = 0;

// Optional IMAP authentication identifier to be used as authorization proxy
$rcmail_config['imap_auth_cid'] = null;

// Optional IMAP authentication password to be used for imap_auth_cid
$rcmail_config['imap_auth_pw'] = null;

// Type of IMAP indexes cache. Supported values: 'db', 'apc' and 'memcache'.
$rcmail_config['imap_cache'] = null;

// Enables messages cache. Only 'db' cache is supported.
$rcmail_config['messages_cache'] = false;

// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------

// SMTP server host (for sending mails).
// To use SSL/TLS connection, enter hostname with prefix ssl:// or tls://
// If left blank, the PHP mail() function is used
// Supported replacement variables:
// %h - user's IMAP hostname
// %n - hostname ($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])
// %t - hostname without the first part
// %d - domain (http hostname $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] without the first part)
// %z - IMAP domain (IMAP hostname without the first part)
// For example %n = mail.domain.tld, %t = domain.tld
$rcmail_config['smtp_server'] = 'ssl://mail.%t';

// SMTP port (default is 25; use 587 for STARTTLS or 465 for the
// deprecated SSL over SMTP (aka SMTPS))
$rcmail_config['smtp_port'] = 25;

// SMTP username (if required) if you use %u as the username Roundcube
// will use the current username for login
$rcmail_config['smtp_user'] = '%u';

// SMTP password (if required) if you use %p as the password Roundcube
// will use the current user's password for login
$rcmail_config['smtp_pass'] = '%p';

// SMTP AUTH type (DIGEST-MD5, CRAM-MD5, LOGIN, PLAIN or empty to use
// best server supported one)
$rcmail_config['smtp_auth_type'] = 'PLAIN';

// Optional SMTP authentication identifier to be used as authorization proxy
$rcmail_config['smtp_auth_cid'] = null;

// Optional SMTP authentication password to be used for smtp_auth_cid
$rcmail_config['smtp_auth_pw'] = null;

// SMTP HELO host 
// Hostname to give to the remote server for SMTP 'HELO' or 'EHLO' messages 
// Leave this blank and you will get the server variable 'server_name' or 
// localhost if that isn't defined. 
$rcmail_config['smtp_helo_host'] = '';

// SMTP connection timeout, in seconds. Default: 0 (no limit)
$rcmail_config['smtp_timeout'] = 0;

// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------

$rcmail_config['enable_installer'] = false;

// don't allow these settings to be overriden by the user
$rcmail_config['dont_override'] = array();

// provide an URL where a user can get support for this Roundcube installation
$rcmail_config['support_url'] = '';

// replace Roundcube logo with this image
// specify an URL relative to the document root of this Roundcube installation
$rcmail_config['skin_logo'] = null;

// automatically create a new Roundcube user when log-in the first time.
// a new user will be created once the IMAP login succeeds.
// set to false if only registered users can use this service
$rcmail_config['auto_create_user'] = true;

// Enables possibility to log in using email address from user identities
$rcmail_config['user_aliases'] = false;

// use this folder to store log files (must be writeable for apache user)
// This is used by the 'file' log driver.
$rcmail_config['log_dir'] = 'logs/';

// use this folder to store temp files (must be writeable for apache user)
$rcmail_config['temp_dir'] = 'temp/';

// lifetime of message cache
// possible units: s, m, h, d, w
$rcmail_config['message_cache_lifetime'] = '10d';

// enforce connections over https
// with this option enabled, all non-secure connections will be redirected.
// set the port for the ssl connection as value of this option if it differs from the default 443
$rcmail_config['force_https'] = false;

// tell PHP that it should work as under secure connection
// even if it doesn't recognize it as secure ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] is not set)
// e.g. when you're running Roundcube behind a https proxy
// this option is mutually exclusive to 'force_https' and only either one of them should be set to true.
$rcmail_config['use_https'] = false;

// Allow browser-autocompletion on login form.
// 0 - disabled, 1 - username and host only, 2 - username, host, password
$rcmail_config['login_autocomplete'] = 0;

// Forces conversion of logins to lower case.
// 0 - disabled, 1 - only domain part, 2 - domain and local part.
// If users authentication is case-insensitive this must be enabled.
// Note: After enabling it all user records need to be updated, e.g. with query:
//       UPDATE users SET username = LOWER(username);
$rcmail_config['login_lc'] = 2;

// Includes should be interpreted as PHP files
$rcmail_config['skin_include_php'] = false;

// display software version on login screen
$rcmail_config['display_version'] = false;

// Session lifetime in minutes
$rcmail_config['session_lifetime'] = 10;

// Session domain:
$rcmail_config['session_domain'] = '';

// Session name. Default: 'roundcube_sessid'
$rcmail_config['session_name'] = null;

// Session path. Defaults to PHP session.cookie_path setting.
$rcmail_config['session_path'] = null;

// Backend to use for session storage. Can either be 'db' (default) or 'memcache'
// If set to memcache, a list of servers need to be specified in 'memcache_hosts'
// Make sure the Memcache extension ( version >= 2.0.0 is installed
$rcmail_config['session_storage'] = 'db';

// Use these hosts for accessing memcached
// Define any number of hosts in the form of hostname:port or unix:///path/to/socket.file
$rcmail_config['memcache_hosts'] = null; // e.g. array( 'localhost:11211', '', 'unix:///var/tmp/memcached.sock' );

// check client IP in session athorization
$rcmail_config['ip_check'] = true;

// check referer of incoming requests
$rcmail_config['referer_check'] = false;

// X-Frame-Options HTTP header value sent to prevent from Clickjacking.
// Possible values: sameorigin|deny. Set to false in order to disable sending them
$rcmail_config['x_frame_options'] = 'sameorigin';

// this key is used to encrypt the users imap password which is stored
// in the session record (and the client cookie if remember password is enabled).
// please provide a string of exactly 24 chars.
$rcmail_config['des_key'] = 'P0yZ8D41Ry7H28wHd7NcSfQm';

// Automatically add this domain to user names for login
// Only for IMAP servers that require full e-mail addresses for login
// Specify an array with 'host' => 'domain' values to support multiple hosts
// Supported replacement variables:
// %h - user's IMAP hostname
// %n - hostname ($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])
// %t - hostname without the first part
// %d - domain (http hostname $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] without the first part)
// %z - IMAP domain (IMAP hostname without the first part)
// For example %n = mail.domain.tld, %t = domain.tld
$rcmail_config['username_domain'] = '';

// This domain will be used to form e-mail addresses of new users
// Specify an array with 'host' => 'domain' values to support multiple hosts
// Supported replacement variables:
// %h - user's IMAP hostname
// %n - http hostname ($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])
// %d - domain (http hostname without the first part)
// %z - IMAP domain (IMAP hostname without the first part)
// For example %n = mail.domain.tld, %t = domain.tld
$rcmail_config['mail_domain'] = '';

// Password charset.
// Use it if your authentication backend doesn't support UTF-8.
// Defaults to ISO-8859-1 for backward compatibility
$rcmail_config['password_charset'] = 'ISO-8859-1';

// How many seconds must pass between emails sent by a user
$rcmail_config['sendmail_delay'] = 0;

// Maximum number of recipients per message. Default: 0 (no limit)
$rcmail_config['max_recipients'] = 0; 

// Maximum allowednumber of members of an address group. Default: 0 (no limit)
// If 'max_recipients' is set this value should be less or equal
$rcmail_config['max_group_members'] = 0; 

// add this user-agent to message headers when sending
$rcmail_config['useragent'] = 'Roundcube Webmail/'.RCMAIL_VERSION;

// use this name to compose page titles
$rcmail_config['product_name'] = 'Webmail';

// try to load host-specific configuration
// see for more details
$rcmail_config['include_host_config'] = false;

// path to a text file which will be added to each sent message
// paths are relative to the Roundcube root folder
$rcmail_config['generic_message_footer'] = '';

// path to a text file which will be added to each sent HTML message
// paths are relative to the Roundcube root folder
$rcmail_config['generic_message_footer_html'] = '';

// add a received header to outgoing mails containing the creators IP and hostname
$rcmail_config['http_received_header'] = false;

// Whether or not to encrypt the IP address and the host name
// these could, in some circles, be considered as sensitive information;
// however, for the administrator, these could be invaluable help
// when tracking down issues.
$rcmail_config['http_received_header_encrypt'] = false;

// This string is used as a delimiter for message headers when sending
// a message via mail() function. Leave empty for auto-detection
$rcmail_config['mail_header_delimiter'] = NULL;

// number of chars allowed for line when wrapping text.
// text wrapping is done when composing/sending messages
$rcmail_config['line_length'] = 72;

// send plaintext messages as format=flowed
$rcmail_config['send_format_flowed'] = true;

// According to RFC2298, return receipt envelope sender address must be empty.
// If this option is true, Roundcube will use user's identity as envelope sender for MDN responses.
$rcmail_config['mdn_use_from'] = false;

// Set identities access level:
// 0 - many identities with possibility to edit all params
// 1 - many identities with possibility to edit all params but not email address
// 2 - one identity with possibility to edit all params
// 3 - one identity with possibility to edit all params but not email address
// 4 - one identity with possibility to edit only signature
$rcmail_config['identities_level'] = 0;

// Mimetypes supported by the browser.
// attachments of these types will open in a preview window
// either a comma-separated list or an array: 'text/plain,text/html,text/xml,image/jpeg,image/gif,image/png,application/pdf'
$rcmail_config['client_mimetypes'] = null;  # null == default

// Path to a local mime magic database file for PHPs finfo extension.
// Set to null if the default path should be used.
$rcmail_config['mime_magic'] = null;

// Absolute path to a local mime.types mapping table file.
// This is used to derive mime-types from the filename extension or vice versa.
// Such a file is usually part of the apache webserver. If you don't find a file named mime.types on your system,
// download it from
$rcmail_config['mime_types'] = null;

// path to imagemagick identify binary
$rcmail_config['im_identify_path'] = null;

// path to imagemagick convert binary
$rcmail_config['im_convert_path'] = null;

// Size of thumbnails from image attachments displayed below the message content.
// Note: whether images are displayed at all depends on the 'inline_images' option.
// Set to 0 to display images in full size.
$rcmail_config['image_thumbnail_size'] = 240;

// maximum size of uploaded contact photos in pixel
$rcmail_config['contact_photo_size'] = 160;

// Enable DNS checking for e-mail address validation
$rcmail_config['email_dns_check'] = false;

// Disables saving sent messages in Sent folder (like gmail) (Default: false)
// Note: useful when SMTP server stores sent mail in user mailbox
$rcmail_config['no_save_sent_messages'] = false;

// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------

// List of active plugins (in plugins/ directory)
$rcmail_config['plugins'] = array();

// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------

// default messages sort column. Use empty value for default server's sorting, 
// or 'arrival', 'date', 'subject', 'from', 'to', 'fromto', 'size', 'cc'
$rcmail_config['message_sort_col'] = '';

// default messages sort order
$rcmail_config['message_sort_order'] = 'DESC';

// These cols are shown in the message list. Available cols are:
// subject, from, to, fromto, cc, replyto, date, size, status, flag, attachment, 'priority'
$rcmail_config['list_cols'] = array('subject', 'status', 'fromto', 'date', 'size', 'flag', 'attachment');

// the default locale setting (leave empty for auto-detection)
// RFC1766 formatted language name like en_US, de_DE, de_CH, fr_FR, pt_BR
$rcmail_config['language'] = 'en_US';

// use this format for date display (date or strftime format)
$rcmail_config['date_format'] = 'Y-m-d';

// give this choice of date formats to the user to select from
$rcmail_config['date_formats'] = array('Y-m-d', 'd-m-Y', 'Y/m/d', 'm/d/Y', 'd/m/Y', 'd.m.Y', 'j.n.Y');

// use this format for time display (date or strftime format)
$rcmail_config['time_format'] = 'H:i';

// give this choice of time formats to the user to select from
$rcmail_config['time_formats'] = array('G:i', 'H:i', 'g:i a', 'h:i A');

// use this format for short date display (derived from date_format and time_format)
$rcmail_config['date_short'] = 'D H:i';

// use this format for detailed date/time formatting (derived from date_format and time_format)
$rcmail_config['date_long'] = 'Y-m-d H:i';

// store draft message is this mailbox
// leave blank if draft messages should not be stored
// NOTE: Use folder names with namespace prefix (INBOX. on Courier-IMAP)
$rcmail_config['drafts_mbox'] = 'Drafts';

// store spam messages in this mailbox
// NOTE: Use folder names with namespace prefix (INBOX. on Courier-IMAP)
$rcmail_config['junk_mbox'] = 'Junk';

// store sent message is this mailbox
// leave blank if sent messages should not be stored
// NOTE: Use folder names with namespace prefix (INBOX. on Courier-IMAP)
$rcmail_config['sent_mbox'] = 'Sent';

// move messages to this folder when deleting them
// leave blank if they should be deleted directly
// NOTE: Use folder names with namespace prefix (INBOX. on Courier-IMAP)
$rcmail_config['trash_mbox'] = 'Trash';

// display these folders separately in the mailbox list.
// these folders will also be displayed with localized names
// NOTE: Use folder names with namespace prefix (INBOX. on Courier-IMAP)
$rcmail_config['default_folders'] = array('INBOX', 'Drafts', 'Sent', 'Junk', 'Trash');

// automatically create the above listed default folders on first login
$rcmail_config['create_default_folders'] = false;

// protect the default folders from renames, deletes, and subscription changes
$rcmail_config['protect_default_folders'] = true;

// if in your system 0 quota means no limit set this option to true 
$rcmail_config['quota_zero_as_unlimited'] = false;

// Make use of the built-in spell checker. It is based on GoogieSpell.
// Since Google only accepts connections over https your PHP installatation
// requires to be compiled with Open SSL support
$rcmail_config['enable_spellcheck'] = true;

// Enables spellchecker exceptions dictionary.
// Setting it to 'shared' will make the dictionary shared by all users.
$rcmail_config['spellcheck_dictionary'] = false;

// Set the spell checking engine. 'googie' is the default. 'pspell' is also available,
// but requires the Pspell extensions. When using Nox Spell Server, also set 'googie' here.
$rcmail_config['spellcheck_engine'] = 'pspell';

// For a locally installed Nox Spell Server, please specify the URI to call it.
// Get Nox Spell Server from
// Leave empty to use the Google spell checking service, what means
// that the message content will be sent to Google in order to check spelling
$rcmail_config['spellcheck_uri'] = '';

// These languages can be selected for spell checking.
// Configure as a PHP style hash array: array('en'=>'English', 'de'=>'Deutsch');
// Leave empty for default set of available language.
$rcmail_config['spellcheck_languages'] = NULL;

// Makes that words with all letters capitalized will be ignored (e.g. GOOGLE)
$rcmail_config['spellcheck_ignore_caps'] = false;

// Makes that words with numbers will be ignored (e.g. g00gle)
$rcmail_config['spellcheck_ignore_nums'] = false;

// Makes that words with symbols will be ignored (e.g. g@@gle)
$rcmail_config['spellcheck_ignore_syms'] = false;

// Use this char/string to separate recipients when composing a new message
$rcmail_config['recipients_separator'] = ',';

// don't let users set pagesize to more than this value if set
$rcmail_config['max_pagesize'] = 200;

// Minimal value of user's 'refresh_interval' setting (in seconds)
$rcmail_config['min_refresh_interval'] = 60;

// Enables files upload indicator. Requires APC installed and enabled apc.rfc1867 option.
// By default refresh time is set to 1 second. You can set this value to true
// or any integer value indicating number of seconds.
$rcmail_config['upload_progress'] = false;

// Specifies for how many seconds the Undo button will be available
// after object delete action. Currently used with supporting address book sources.
// Setting it to 0, disables the feature.
$rcmail_config['undo_timeout'] = 0;

// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------

// This indicates which type of address book to use. Possible choises:
// 'sql' (default), 'ldap' and ''.
// If set to 'ldap' then it will look at using the first writable LDAP
// address book as the primary address book and it will not display the
// SQL address book in the 'Address Book' view.
// If set to '' then no address book will be displayed or only the
// addressbook which is created by a plugin (like CardDAV).
$rcmail_config['address_book_type'] = 'sql';

// In order to enable public ldap search, configure an array like the Verisign
// example further below. if you would like to test, simply uncomment the example.
// Array key must contain only safe characters, ie. a-zA-Z0-9_
$rcmail_config['ldap_public'] = array();

// If you are going to use LDAP for individual address books, you will need to 
// set 'user_specific' to true and use the variables to generate the appropriate DNs to access it.
// The recommended directory structure for LDAP is to store all the address book entries
// under the users main entry, e.g.:
//  o=root
//   ou=people
//    uid=user@domain
//  mail=contact@contactdomain
// So the base_dn would be uid=%fu,ou=people,o=root
// The bind_dn would be the same as based_dn or some super user login.
 * example config for Verisign directory
$rcmail_config['ldap_public']['Verisign'] = array(
  'name'          => '',
  // Replacement variables supported in host names:
  // %h - user's IMAP hostname
  // %n - hostname ($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])
  // %t - hostname without the first part
  // %d - domain (http hostname $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] without the first part)
  // %z - IMAP domain (IMAP hostname without the first part)
  // For example %n = mail.domain.tld, %t = domain.tld
  'hosts'         => array(''),
  'port'          => 389,
  'use_tls'          => false,
  'ldap_version'  => 3,       // using LDAPv3
  'network_timeout' => 10,    // The timeout (in seconds) for connect + bind arrempts. This is only supported in PHP >= 5.3.0 with OpenLDAP 2.x
  'user_specific' => false,   // If true the base_dn, bind_dn and bind_pass default to the user's IMAP login.
  // %fu - The full username provided, assumes the username is an email
  //       address, uses the username_domain value if not an email address.
  // %u  - The username prior to the '@'.
  // %d  - The domain name after the '@'.
  // %dc - The domain name hierarchal string e.g. "dc=test,dc=domain,dc=com"
  // %dn - DN found by ldap search when search_filter/search_base_dn are used
  'base_dn'       => '',
  'bind_dn'       => '',
  'bind_pass'     => '',
  // It's possible to bind for an individual address book
  // The login name is used to search for the DN to bind with
  'search_base_dn' => '',
  'search_filter'  => '',   // e.g. '(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=%u))'
  // DN and password to bind as before searching for bind DN, if anonymous search is not allowed
  'search_bind_dn' => '',
  'search_bind_pw' => '',
  // Default for %dn variable if search doesn't return DN value
  'search_dn_default' => '',
  // Optional authentication identifier to be used as SASL authorization proxy
  // bind_dn need to be empty
  'auth_cid'       => '',
  // SASL authentication method (for proxy auth), e.g. DIGEST-MD5
  'auth_method'    => '',
  // Indicates if the addressbook shall be hidden from the list.
  // With this option enabled you can still search/view contacts.
  'hidden'        => false,
  // Indicates if the addressbook shall not list contacts but only allows searching.
  'searchonly'    => false,
  // Indicates if we can write to the LDAP directory or not.
  // If writable is true then these fields need to be populated:
  // LDAP_Object_Classes, required_fields, LDAP_rdn
  'writable'       => false,
  // To create a new contact these are the object classes to specify
  // (or any other classes you wish to use).
  'LDAP_Object_Classes' => array('top', 'inetOrgPerson'),
  // The RDN field that is used for new entries, this field needs
  // to be one of the search_fields, the base of base_dn is appended
  // to the RDN to insert into the LDAP directory.
  'LDAP_rdn'       => 'cn',
  // The required fields needed to build a new contact as required by
  // the object classes (can include additional fields not required by the object classes).
  'required_fields' => array('cn', 'sn', 'mail'),
  'search_fields'   => array('mail', 'cn'),  // fields to search in
  // mapping of contact fields to directory attributes
  //   for every attribute one can specify the number of values (limit) allowed.
  //   default is 1, a wildcard * means unlimited
  'fieldmap' => array(
    // Roundcube  => LDAP:limit
    'name'        => 'cn',
    'surname'     => 'sn',
    'firstname'   => 'givenName',
    'jobtitle'    => 'title',
    'email'       => 'mail:*',
    'phone:home'  => 'homePhone',
    'phone:work'  => 'telephoneNumber',
    'phone:mobile' => 'mobile',
    'phone:pager' => 'pager',
    'street'      => 'street',
    'zipcode'     => 'postalCode',
    'region'      => 'st',
    'locality'    => 'l',
    // if you country is a complex object, you need to configure 'sub_fields' below
    'country'      => 'c',
    'organization' => 'o',
    'department'   => 'ou',
    'jobtitle'     => 'title',
    'notes'        => 'description',
    // these currently don't work:
    // 'phone:workfax' => 'facsimileTelephoneNumber',
    // 'photo'         => 'jpegPhoto',
    // 'manager'       => 'manager',
    // 'assistant'     => 'secretary',
  // Map of contact sub-objects (attribute name => objectClass(es)), e.g. 'c' => 'country'
  'sub_fields' => array(),
  // Generate values for the following LDAP attributes automatically when creating a new record
  'autovalues' => array(
  // 'uid'  => 'md5(microtime())',               // You may specify PHP code snippets which are then eval'ed 
  // 'mail' => '{givenname}.{sn}',  // or composite strings with placeholders for existing attributes
  'sort'          => 'cn',    // The field to sort the listing by.
  'scope'         => 'sub',   // search mode: sub|base|list
  'filter'        => '(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)',      // used for basic listing (if not empty) and will be &'d with search queries. example: status=act
  'fuzzy_search'  => true,    // server allows wildcard search
  'vlv'           => false,   // Enable Virtual List View to more efficiently fetch paginated data (if server supports it)
  'numsub_filter' => '(objectClass=organizationalUnit)',   // with VLV, we also use numSubOrdinates to query the total number of records. Set this filter to get all numSubOrdinates attributes for counting
  'sizelimit'     => '0',     // Enables you to limit the count of entries fetched. Setting this to 0 means no limit.
  'timelimit'     => '0',     // Sets the number of seconds how long is spend on the search. Setting this to 0 means no limit.
  'referrals'     => true|false,  // Sets the LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS option. Mostly used in multi-domain Active Directory setups

  // definition for contact groups (uncomment if no groups are supported)
  // for the groups base_dn, the user replacements %fu, %u, $d and %dc work as for base_dn (see above)
  // if the groups base_dn is empty, the contact base_dn is used for the groups as well
  // -> in this case, assure that groups and contacts are separated due to the concernig filters! 
  'groups'        => array(
    'base_dn'     => '',
    'scope'       => 'sub',   // search mode: sub|base|list
    'filter'      => '(objectClass=groupOfNames)',
    'object_classes' => array("top", "groupOfNames"),
    'member_attr'  => 'member',   // name of the member attribute, e.g. uniqueMember
    'name_attr'    => 'cn',       // attribute to be used as group name

// An ordered array of the ids of the addressbooks that should be searched
// when populating address autocomplete fields server-side. ex: array('sql','Verisign');
$rcmail_config['autocomplete_addressbooks'] = array('sql');

// The minimum number of characters required to be typed in an autocomplete field
// before address books will be searched. Most useful for LDAP directories that
// may need to do lengthy results building given overly-broad searches
$rcmail_config['autocomplete_min_length'] = 1;

// Number of parallel autocomplete requests.
// If there's more than one address book, n parallel (async) requests will be created,
// where each request will search in one address book. By default (0), all address
// books are searched in one request.
$rcmail_config['autocomplete_threads'] = 0;

// Max. numer of entries in autocomplete popup. Default: 15.
$rcmail_config['autocomplete_max'] = 15;

// show address fields in this order
// available placeholders: {street}, {locality}, {zipcode}, {country}, {region}
$rcmail_config['address_template'] = '{street}
{locality} {zipcode}
{country} {region}';

// Matching mode for addressbook search (including autocompletion)
// 0 - partial (*abc*), default
// 1 - strict (abc)
// 2 - prefix (abc*)
// Note: For LDAP sources fuzzy_search must be enabled to use 'partial' or 'prefix' mode
$rcmail_config['addressbook_search_mode'] = 0;

// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------

// Use this charset as fallback for message decoding
$rcmail_config['default_charset'] = 'ISO-8859-1';

// skin name: folder from skins/
$rcmail_config['skin'] = 'larry';

// show up to X items in messages list view
$rcmail_config['mail_pagesize'] = 50;

// show up to X items in contacts list view
$rcmail_config['addressbook_pagesize'] = 50;

// sort contacts by this col (preferably either one of name, firstname, surname)
$rcmail_config['addressbook_sort_col'] = 'surname';

// the way how contact names are displayed in the list
// 0: display name
// 1: (prefix) firstname middlename surname (suffix)
// 2: (prefix) surname firstname middlename (suffix)
// 3: (prefix) surname, firstname middlename (suffix)
$rcmail_config['addressbook_name_listing'] = 0;

// use this timezone to display date/time
// valid timezone identifers are listed here:
// 'auto' will use the browser's timezone settings
$rcmail_config['timezone'] = 'auto';

// prefer displaying HTML messages
$rcmail_config['prefer_html'] = true;

// display remote inline images
// 0 - Never, always ask
// 1 - Ask if sender is not in address book
// 2 - Always show inline images
$rcmail_config['show_images'] = 0;

// open messages in new window
$rcmail_config['message_extwin'] = false;

// open message compose form in new window
$rcmail_config['compose_extwin'] = false;

// compose html formatted messages by default
// 0 - never, 1 - always, 2 - on reply to HTML message, 3 - on forward or reply to HTML message
$rcmail_config['htmleditor'] = 1;

// show pretty dates as standard
$rcmail_config['prettydate'] = true;

// save compose message every 300 seconds (5min)
$rcmail_config['draft_autosave'] = 180;

// default setting if preview pane is enabled
$rcmail_config['preview_pane'] = true;

// Mark as read when viewed in preview pane (delay in seconds)
// Set to -1 if messages in preview pane should not be marked as read
$rcmail_config['preview_pane_mark_read'] = 0;

// Clear Trash on logout
$rcmail_config['logout_purge'] = false;

// Compact INBOX on logout
$rcmail_config['logout_expunge'] = false;

// Display attached images below the message body 
$rcmail_config['inline_images'] = true;

// Encoding of long/non-ascii attachment names:
// 0 - Full RFC 2231 compatible
// 1 - RFC 2047 for 'name' and RFC 2231 for 'filename' parameter (Thunderbird's default)
// 2 - Full 2047 compatible
$rcmail_config['mime_param_folding'] = 0;

// Set true if deleted messages should not be displayed
// This will make the application run slower
$rcmail_config['skip_deleted'] = false;

// Set true to Mark deleted messages as read as well as deleted
// False means that a message's read status is not affected by marking it as deleted
$rcmail_config['read_when_deleted'] = true;

// Set to true to never delete messages immediately
// Use 'Purge' to remove messages marked as deleted
$rcmail_config['flag_for_deletion'] = false;

// Default interval for auto-refresh requests (in seconds)
// These are requests for system state updates e.g. checking for new messages, etc.
// Setting it to 0 disables the feature.
$rcmail_config['refresh_interval'] = 60;

// If true all folders will be checked for recent messages
$rcmail_config['check_all_folders'] = false;

// If true, after message delete/move, the next message will be displayed
$rcmail_config['display_next'] = true;

// 0 - Do not expand threads 
// 1 - Expand all threads automatically 
// 2 - Expand only threads with unread messages 
$rcmail_config['autoexpand_threads'] = 0;

// When replying:
// -1 - don't cite the original message
// 0  - place cursor below the original message
// 1  - place cursor above original message (top posting)
$rcmail_config['reply_mode'] = 0;

// When replying strip original signature from message
$rcmail_config['strip_existing_sig'] = true;

// Show signature:
// 0 - Never
// 1 - Always
// 2 - New messages only
// 3 - Forwards and Replies only
$rcmail_config['show_sig'] = 1;

// Use MIME encoding (quoted-printable) for 8bit characters in message body
$rcmail_config['force_7bit'] = false;

// Defaults of the search field configuration.
// The array can contain a per-folder list of header fields which should be considered when searching
// The entry with key '*' stands for all folders which do not have a specific list set.
// Please note that folder names should to be in sync with $rcmail_config['default_folders']
$rcmail_config['search_mods'] = null;  // Example: array('*' => array('subject'=>1, 'from'=>1), 'Sent' => array('subject'=>1, 'to'=>1));

// Defaults of the addressbook search field configuration.
$rcmail_config['addressbook_search_mods'] = null;  // Example: array('name'=>1, 'firstname'=>1, 'surname'=>1, 'email'=>1, '*'=>1);

// 'Delete always'
// This setting reflects if mail should be always deleted
// when moving to Trash fails. This is necessary in some setups
// when user is over quota and Trash is included in the quota.
$rcmail_config['delete_always'] = false;

// Directly delete messages in Junk instead of moving to Trash
$rcmail_config['delete_junk'] = false;

// Behavior if a received message requests a message delivery notification (read receipt)
// 0 = ask the user, 1 = send automatically, 2 = ignore (never send or ask)
// 3 = send automatically if sender is in addressbook, otherwise ask the user
// 4 = send automatically if sender is in addressbook, otherwise ignore
$rcmail_config['mdn_requests'] = 0;

// Return receipt checkbox default state
$rcmail_config['mdn_default'] = 0;

// Delivery Status Notification checkbox default state
$rcmail_config['dsn_default'] = 0;

// Place replies in the folder of the message being replied to
$rcmail_config['reply_same_folder'] = false;

// Sets default mode of Forward feature to "forward as attachment"
$rcmail_config['forward_attachment'] = false;

// Defines address book (internal index) to which new contacts will be added
// By default it is the first writeable addressbook.
// Note: Use '0' for built-in address book.
$rcmail_config['default_addressbook'] = null;

// Enables spell checking before sending a message.
$rcmail_config['spellcheck_before_send'] = false;

// Skip alternative email addresses in autocompletion (show one address per contact)
$rcmail_config['autocomplete_single'] = false;

// Default font for composed HTML message.
// Supported values: Andale Mono, Arial, Arial Black, Book Antiqua, Courier New,
// Georgia, Helvetica, Impact, Tahoma, Terminal, Times New Roman, Trebuchet MS, Verdana
$rcmail_config['default_font'] = 'Verdana';

// end of config file</log_dir></log_dir></log_dir></log_dir></log_dir></log_dir> 

If I hardcode in a SMTP username and pw in config, I get:

SMTP Error (-1): Connection to server failed.

when clicking send message in roundcude.

Also, after config is changed, should I be restarting nginx and php or one or the other?

> $rcmailconfig['smtpserver'] = 'ssl://mail.%t';

Try changing that to localhost. That's assuming roundcube and the mail server are on the same machine.


> $rcmailconfig['smtpserver'] = 'ssl://mail.%t';

Try changing that to localhost. That's assuming roundcube and the mail server are on the same machine.

Both on same linode. The above gave new error:

> SMTP Error (250): Authentication failed.

Even with hardcoded username and pw.

When I try ssl://locahost, I get the same as before SMTP Error (-1): Connection to server failed..

Have you tried with tls:// instead of ssl:// ? It can be confusing for us newbies which should be used.


Have you tried with tls:// instead of ssl:// ? It can be confusing for us newbies which should be used.

$rcmailconfig['smtpserver'] = 'tls://mail.%t';


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