Need a new Registrar

While I begin a new registrar search, thought to ask the community for their input.

I have approx a dozen domains, nothing serious. Have been with godaddy for awhile now. Tried others in the past suck as gkg, directnic, etc. Not thrilled with their marketing. I have been out the loop now with new registrars and fees (ie redemption).

What I am looking for is a good service + decent cost. What registrars do you like currently, and why?



6 Replies

Currently I use Don't let the name fool you – the prices are good, and the support is usually fairly quick. They also have an API available for those wishing to act as a domain reseller.

Prior to that, I was using Namecheap. Service was good, but not as cheap as

I like - never had a problem, small , with personalized service. Not the cheapest, but then that's not what I was looking for.

We use - low prices, no crap while you register and they make things easy to manage.

I switched most of my domains from godaddy to (twocows, ting, etc)

They are a little more expensive but include privacy settings.

The interface is simple and they don't flood you with advertisements.

I have two domains remaining at godaddy. I will switch them soon.

It takes about 20 minutes to complete the switch..very simple.

I use hover as well. They include IPv6 glue, so they are IPv6 friendly.


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