More disk... but not as much!

Just a quick note - if you have a grandfathered plan with free disk (eg I had a 1024+10Gb free) then this grandfathering appears to go away. I had 24+10=34Gb; after the update I only had 48, not the expected 58Gb.

On the plus side, I contacted support and they immediately (11 minutes after I opened the support ticket) gave me the 10% discount that I would have had instead (pro-rated for the 10 months remaining in my yearly renewal) if I had opted for yearly discount, rather than extra disk. No fuss, no bother, and an apology. That's good support.

So it's all good; I have no complaints. Just thought I'd alert other old-time users who might also still be on the grandfathered free-disk plans :-)

5 Replies

This is not the intended behavior. We'll be looking into the problem and correcting it ASAP. You should have ended up on a 'new' legacy package but with the increased disk space (plus your old bonus).


I'm happy with the result, in my case. More disk, less cost… what's not to like :-)


Just a quick note - if you have a grandfathered plan with free disk (eg I had a 1024+10Gb free) then this grandfathering appears to go away. I had 24+10=34Gb; after the update I only had 48, not the expected 58Gb.

So it's all good; I have no complaints. Just thought I'd alert other old-time users who might also still be on the grandfathered free-disk plans :-)

…another old-time user here. I just went back and looked - I signed up in May of '04, and at that time, $20/mo paid for a Linode 64. :)

I'm on the same plan, and upgraded fairly quickly after the disk announcement, and my disk allocation ended up at 58GB, where it should have been, so perhaps it was an intermittent issue?

We had some wires crossed for a few hours right after the announcement - which would have caused this problem. We have since fixed that… But we will double check! :)




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