Optimizing MySQL 5.6 for a Linode 1GB

Just installed MySQL 5.6 on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS which is loaded on my 1GB Linode.

Following the https://library.linode.com/hosting-website guide for setting up MySQL 5.5 for a 1GB Linode directs you to change /etc/mysql/my.cnf to the following:

max_connections = 75
key_buffer = 32M
max_allowed_packet = 1M
thread_stack = 128K
table_cache = 32

This unfortunately doesn't appear to work with MySQL 5.6 as with this config loaded MySQL server will fail to start. What setting is causing this, and what would be the optimum settings for a 1GB Linode?

Many Thanks

6 Replies

What do your mysql logs say? They should have info about why it can't start.

Logging wasn't enabled at the time :-( to be honest the reason for it not working is more a matter of interest and trying to learn about it. I am more interested in having a sensible MySQL configuration for my server so it runs smoothly.

I'm new to all of this so still learning and going through all the set up guides etc.


Why did you upgrade? - MySQl 5.5.x ships with 12.04 LTS, going outside the normal package chain is a BAD IDEA™

As I have developed my site with 5.6 on my mac. (I also upgraded PHP to 5.4 :? )

Is there any particular reason why its a bad idea, or is it just not the done thing. Still getting my head around this Ubuntu world (started yesterday).

Not just Ubuntu, but any Distro, it's always best (read - way less trouble) to stick with what's in that Distro (and that release) standard repos. Once you go outside the standard repo and it's known good/stable/secure packages, you run the risk of dependency problems, incompatible packages, etc. Plus, you then have to mark whatever packages you updated/installed by hand so that everytime you do a system update, you don't over write those "custom" packages. Sometimes you have no choice, but when you do, best to stick with what comes with the distro.

Thanks vonskippy, I have taken your advice and rebuilt my system to 12.04 LTS and will adapt the website accordingly.


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