Standard Setups ?


Sorry to post two separate questions, but always forget about the Linode forum. :-)

I recently asked a remote worker to setup a Linode for me, and lets just say it did not work out well. He did the opp of what I asked.

So it got me thinking, was I being unreasonable ? Below were my list of requirements to my remote worker. Anything you would add / remove.

I appreciate that a lot of people are doing different things, but some basics must always be followed ?

These are hosting low volume wordpress sites. There are separate reasons for SFTP etc.

Also, I am not a Linux admin! I have only have learned by reading etc. So I am no expert. Apple Mac user day to day.

New Web Server Setup Requirements


OS: Ubuntu or CentOS

LAMP: PHP, MySql, Apache or NGIX

Agree a File Layout





Basic Linux Security

Remove port 22

ClamAV + RKHunter

Disable Root User

Add new user with Sudo Rights

Fail2Ban Setup

SSH Keys and not passwords

Logging security related issues

Firewall setup (I assume only port 80, admin ports, SFP ?)

Intrusion protection setup

LogWatch install and setup

Wordpress lockdowns

MySQL lockdowns

Apache / NGIX Lockdowns


Wordpress Multisite (or should you create Wordpress per domain?)

ProFTPD with management via WebMin. SFTP (FTP over SSH) rather than FTP

Flash Streaming Server. Ability for seeking in video when using Flowplayer.


Create (https://) with a static HTML page linking to all Web apps / interfaces. This should be locked before a .htaccess




Wordpress Admin


To be created on Google Docs covering the above.

1 Reply

I'm not sure exactly what you are asking, however Linode should be able to handle all that. At quick glance, though, it seems as though you may use a lot of bandwidth – start with a small Linode, then monitor your bandwidth and upgrade if needed.

Personally I'd recommended Debian or CentOS. I was never really impressed with Ubuntu (though, admittedly, I've never tried it on a server, so it might be good for your purposes).


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