Streaming Video Web and Mobile - options ?

I am building a few low volume websites using Wordpress, along with a few Ios mobile apps that include video.

Currently we are using YouTube to host the videos for the the websites, but I would prefer to not use something unbranded and also secure. We are downloading the video for the iOS devices, but interested in streaming to them instead.

So I was looking at FlowPlayer for the web, but for seeking through a video it requires a steaming server back end.

My Server is Linux based and hosted at Linode, so can install a streaming server if required. I assume Adobe Streaming server ?

As I understand it for iOS apple requires (HLS Streaming), for web we can use HTML5 or Flash (we would need a Flash Streaming server for RMTP) and unclear on HTML5 streaming.

As the volume is low, am I better off doing this myself. Or should I find a small CDN provider. I see that Amazon offer CloudFront, I just don't want to pay a lot to get us started, think Amazon might be a bit overkill ?

Thanks in advance for any advice.

1 Reply

You can usually embed a flash video within your HTML code, and web browser will normally stream it automatically (albeit with a small buffer in case the connection cuts for several seconds).

As for an actual streaming server, I've no experience with those, probably someone else can help.


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