CPU Spiked at 200%

Hello, I have WP sites on Basic Plan, running in Nginx, PHPCGI, MySQL. And I just activated the Longview feature. I noticed that there was a 200% CPU spike in my graph for label "user", while the "system" has 7%. What am I supposed to do?

Note: These sites are new, little visitors, 40 hits a day.


4 Replies

Log in to your Linode and use the command "top". That will provide a process table that will update every few seconds. You can see there what processes are using the most RAM and CPU.

If it's Longview itself (remember, it's still in beta), you can report it in the Current Betas forum.

If it's something else, report it here (or start a thread specific to whatever it is).

Ok, I did zoom the graph(just noticed) and here's the top process of that current selecton:

~~![](<URL url=)https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/476 … on_506.png">https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/476782/Selection_506.png" />

This only happened once.~~

Yikes! PHP shouldn't need that much RAM or CPU.

Have you tried PHP-FPM? From what I've read, it seems much more reliable than using PHP-CGI, something personal experience confirms. It should do the same basic job as PHP-CGI, and the changes (if any) to your Nginx config should be fairly minimal.


Thank you for the tip!

Managed to switch to PHP-FPM and works great + lesser memory.



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