Linode swapping..

Hey Fellow Linoders,

Just wondering if anyone is curious in making a user trade on thier linodes here. I IRC quite frequently, and would like to have a couple more bots on my botnet that aren't directly on my box. Instead of paying a shell provider some extra funds, I thought I'd ask if anyone else here wants to do a similar minded exchange.

I know the topic of offering shells for free was already mentioned here, however I am under the assumption that Linoders can probably trust one another and that most people wouldn't want to jeopardize thier linode box by pWNING someone elses.


6 Replies

hi, how much space/bandiwdth would u be looking to use?

I think Linode is in great need of some sort of "Legal tips for Linoders" guide.

Yah, I was just going to say.

Why do we need legality tips for linoders? I am asking a fellow linoder if he wants to trade a shell account on my boxen for one on thiers. If you dont care to, then dont reply. Simple as that.

I know the minor risks that I run, and I'm ready to accept those risks. If a fellow linoder wants to exploit my box, by all means, thats what I get for having an insecure box, and if he hadnt of 'owned' me, it could be any number of remote exploits.

Devboy, I'll use a minute amount of traffic, my bots channels have no more then 35-40 users in them and sit idle a lot of the time. Space wise, I cant imagine using more then 50 megs, give or take some.

This can't be nearly as risky as validating people via IRC like that other thread. Mostly because Chris has already done the hard work. If anything were to come up, Chris would have all the offender's information.

I'd do it myself if I weren't running a production box with no users. But I'm sure somebody will be open to it.

Proane, can we talk on msn or somthing? i am


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