question about library article on postfix email


Trying to set up a mail server by using the Linode library article ~~[" target="_blank">]( … 0.19-mysql">](

I have arrived at step 38 of the dovecot configuration:
> 38. Verify that the default Dovecot SSL certificate and key exist by entering the following commands, one by one:

ls /etc/ssl/certs/dovecot.pem
ls /etc/ssl/private/dovecot.pem

These files are not present and the how-to doesn't say what to do when they are not present.

What to do next?

I did a find for dovecot.pem on my system and found them in the following locations:



1 Reply

Some distros put them in /etc/dovecot instead of /etc/ssl. Just make sure that Dovecot's configuration points to the correct location.


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