Share Your Linode Experience - Get $100 Service Credit!

Have you done something amazing with your Linode? Do you boast to friends that you have the coolest, fastest, or fanciest system setup? If so, then we need your help!

What are we looking for?

We're looking for some fascinating Linode "case study" stories to share with our customers. If you've done something awesome with your Linode or our API, we want to hear from you. Examples of the type of stories we're looking for include boosting your website's performance by 300%, implementing a distributed application or service that filled a critical business need, setting up an OpenVPN solution for your team, or implementing VoIP for your company's office.

We encourage you to share any and all stories that you feel might benefit other users. However, we're specifically interested in stories on the following topics:

  • Creating a distributed git repo for your team

  • Automating server builds with Ansible or Chef

  • Migrating a WordPress website to Linode

  • Surviving a website traffic surge

  • Optimizing WordPress for speed

If you're selected to participate, your name will be prominently featured in a blog post on the Linode website, and we'll add a cool $100 service credit to your account. Plus, you'll get that warm and fuzzy feeling that comes with knowing you helped other Linode users. Please note that not every story can be published.

How do I participate?

Please open a ticket to share your story. Included detailed information. We don't want information that's abstract or vague. Be specific and give us the nitty, gritty details!

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