Anyone willing to help me with some "hands on" work?
I can get some basic things done but there are problems that come up, usually small ones that are easy to solve by with my inexperience is very difficult for me.
Im going to give it a few more days, I love linode but if things dont clear up Im probably going to be moving to a managed provider.
We might be able to trade work, im great with web automation and making web bots along with affiliate marketing.
4 Replies
This is a really generic question. It depends on what you do with your Linode(s). If you're doing LEMP/LAMP stacks or perhaps gameservers/voice servers I can help you out probably. If you need specific varnish/Lightspeed kind of things I can't.
What're the things you need help with?
Linode Managed
However, if you want free help, you should probably post specific questions. We can probably help you troubleshoot via the forum.
I'd personally be willing to provide management services for very cheap