Free memory inconsistency

I'm really not a linux master, so the question might sound a bit silly.

andscape-sysinfo displays: "Memory usage: 45% "

and free -m outputs:

total used free

Mem: 1000 779 221

meaning that 221 out of 1000 is free (22.1% is free or 80% usage)

Which parameter should I believe in ?


3 Replies

Some of your 'not free' RAM is probably being used for caching. Does the output of your free command give you any more info? Here's what mine looks like:

# free -m
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:          4039       3827        212          0        221       3150
-/+ buffers/cache:        455       3584
Swap:          511          0        511

I know it doesn't look like I have much free RAM, but the memory allocated to caching will be released if/when necessary.

You can also take a look at the memory info from the 'top' command. It should tell you if you have RAM allocated to caching or buffers.


Thank you, never knew about caching

See here


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