New member and Very Pleased.

Hi, i am a new member "16/02/04" and after getting passed the stumbling blocks on howto install the webmin etc, I couldent belive how easy it was to use the server and to install things, it was just perfect! i am over the moon with this service.

4 Replies

Thank's, and a party it has been!

But the support i have gotten has been amazing considering i continued to ask so many supid questions in irc or how else would u say it "newbie" questions most of them i knew and just thought i would see what reply i got of the people in IRC and aprt for 1 or 2, the support was amazing!

I had exactly the same myself. Going from a cpanel host to Linode was a steep learning curve but caker was a great help!

Best move I've ever made.


I'm a new member too and a Linux n00b. I must say that this is the best environement I found to learn managing a Linux server. Being able to restart from scratch so easily is a very nice feature.

I started with a full install then realized that if I wanted to understand whats under the hood, I needed to install what I needed myself. So I want back and choose a minimal install and went from there.

In just a few days, I learned how to install everything I need to run my web server with mysql, phpadmin and so on.

I went from host to host and this is the best.



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