Why does backup cost more for a higher spec. Linode?

I have a higher spec. Linode to take advantage of higher RAM and CPU. We do not require the additional filespace, the website is quite low in size.

So why are we paying more for the backup on this 4Gb Linode than our 1Gb other ones, which in fact use more space?

I dont mind the backup service costs on the 1Gb, but I begrudge paying the amount for higher spec. Linodes with low file space. The backups surely do not require CPU/RAM and would only require storage space?


5 Replies

Or is my backup backing up an image the size of the Linode (96Gb) in which case I could scale the filespace allocated down and save backup costs?

We use a flat pricing model, which increases proportionally with the size of the Linode.


Yes I can see that, thanks. What I wanted to know was why does it cost more, I dont think your reply justifies it. Like I said, I begrudge having it, makes me want to downgrade the server, or rely on just my own backup I have in place because I think its overpriced for what it is.

Larger Linodes have more potential disk usage, and do indeed have larger actual average disk usage. This costs more. So, like everything else, pricing is linearly scaled up across the plans. Hope that helps.

I understand what you're asking for and will register your request for metered billing.



So if I scale the usage down on my Linode, would I be charged less for backup? Because then that backup would be using less space than my 1Gb linodes, even if that Linode uses more due to it being a higher spec. I cant see the overall space being more.

So for example:

1Gb Linode = 24Gb storage

4Gb Linode = 96Gb storage

1Gb linode using 20Gb storage, backup costs $5 per month

4Gb linode using 5Gb storage, backup costs $20 per month

I cant see the 4Gb linode using more space than the 1Gb in this case, yet is charged 4x as much.

So I do not think the backup service is fair.

Granted, it is easier to restore using the linode backup, so I want to keep using it, but its no easier to restore a 4Gb linode than a 1Gb, so in fact I dont think this can justify the increase in price. I cannot see any justification in an increase in price, unless we use the space.



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