1 domain running very slow, please help

Hi Guys, wondering if you could give any advice. I have sevral domains on the same linode. 1 is running very slow, ie www.whitbyseaanglers.co.uk and its forum.

Typical response time is over 1 minute. Im really not sure where to even start with trouble shooting.

Best wishes - Glenn

5 Replies

Please help guys

login as: glenn

glenn@'s password:

Last login: Sat Jun 29 11:10:36 2013 from host-92-29-143-58.as13285.net

[glenn@whitbyweb ~]$ sudo su -

[root@whitbyweb ~]# /etc/init.d/lsws restart

[root@whitbyweb ~]# sudo /etc/init.d/lsws restart

[root@whitbyweb ~]# sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

sudo: /etc/init.d/apache2: command not found

[root@whitbyweb ~]# sudo/etc/init.d/lsws restart

-bash: sudo/etc/init.d/lsws: No such file or directory

[root@whitbyweb ~]# sudo /etc/init.d/lsws restart

[root@whitbyweb ~]#

The following three commands will print out some useful troubleshooting info:

free -m
ps auxwww
vmstat 1 30

(The last command will take about 30 seconds.)

Also, the waterfall graph from your browser's developer tools may be helpful to determine exactly what's breaking. (Be sure to clear your cache before reloading.)

Any configuration files? Is it just static files, or are you using something like Cobol on Cogs to dynamically generate stuff?

Are there any log files?

What is that "lsws" thing you keep restarting?

Here's pingdom's view of loading your site http://tools.pingdom.com/fpt/#!/dL8eaZ/ … ers.co.uk/">http://tools.pingdom.com/fpt/#!/dL8eaZ/http://www.whitbyseaanglers.co.uk/ it's spending a lot of time processing the PHP requests, looks like you're using wordpress, have a search in the forum for wordpress optimisation, it'll boil down to APC, Wordpress Super Cache (or something similar). You could also give newrelic.com a go and see if they can pinpoint what's slowing PHP down.

Thanks for your help so far guys, Ill run those commands in a minute and see what comes through.

Just to clarify, the site is wordpress with an smf forum in a subfolder. Both w

are running slow not just wordpress.

Im just wondering if what I did last night could have caused this, I linked the forum up with rss feed from wordpress so it shows a list of latest wordpress articles on the forum homepage. Was all working fine when I went to bed.

Im going to try undo that change and turn off super cache and some other plugins


Here's pingdom's view of loading your site http://tools.pingdom.com/fpt/#!/dL8eaZ/ … ers.co.uk/">http://tools.pingdom.com/fpt/#!/dL8eaZ/http://www.whitbyseaanglers.co.uk/ it's spending a lot of time processing the PHP requests, looks like you're using wordpress, have a search in the forum for wordpress optimisation, it'll boil down to APC, Wordpress Super Cache (or something similar). You could also give newrelic.com a go and see if they can pinpoint what's slowing PHP down.

Hi Obs, thankyou so much for your help. That link you posted had the clue. It was showing RSS was causing a problem, which jogged my memory to the fact I had linked rss to the forum last night to post a list of recent topics onto the forum. I undid the rss feed and all came right instantly. So cheers for that. I will keep that link for future reference.

Also thankyou to everyone else who read and offered assistance. Much appreciated.

Best wishes - Glenn


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