Noob wanting to use worker plus fast cgi and fpm
New Vps user here.
Bit of background. Business going good, have a hostgator reseller account which I've had for years.
Got a baby linode 1gb to host my mail site to hopefully reduce the service outage errors.
Host gators great, but I've seen in an increase in problems the past twelve months. Plus being a web developer I should really know how to use a Vps.
So far I've followed the library guides and installed Ubuntu 12 x64 with apache, MySQL php with apc.
There nothing wrong with my setup, I don't have my site hosted here yet, I need to make the server is right for me first.
What I want, and need some help with is switching to mpm worker, installing fast cgi and fpm with apc.
I've read a few guides, but they all talk about new installs, which doesn't help my first few questions.
****1. I assume php is currently working through mod_php. When I install mpm worker will this emediatly stop working?
2. As I already have mod php installed, will this work while I install fpm and fast cgi?
3. As apc is already installed, do I need to remove this and install as per fpm instructions?
4. Do I need to remove mod php and apc before I install the others?****
Sorry but I'm not finished yet.
The next few are about after its installed.
****5. Does anybody use fpm fast cgi on a 1gb linode? Do you have a rough guide to what values I should to tune it to the server .
6. Will ion cube work with fpm?
7. Do I need to install any MySQL to php stuff again. It's working with mod php now.
8. The main site will eventually be Wordpress, are there any fpm Wordpress issues to consider?
9. Can/should I install memcache alongside apc?
10. Any other things I should consider to speed it up?
11. I have mod page speed installed, will this effectd by the switch?****
I know that's a lot and I really am hopeful some of you server gurus can help me.