CNAME confusion

Not sure what I'm doing wrong.

There's a host out there called

I have a domain name authoritative here at Linode.

I'm trying to CNAME web traffic headed to to

Adding a CNAME for this results in invalid host error.

Thought getting rid of the blank A record would allow it. Doesn't.

Any thoughts? Thanks.

3 Replies

SOooooooo much easier to troubleshoot when you DON'T hide PUBLICLY AVAILABLE INFORMATION.

If you want help fixing YOUR dns problems - post the actual info.


I'm trying to CNAME web traffic headed to to

Adding a CNAME for this results in invalid host error.

Thought getting rid of the blank A record would allow it. Doesn't.

Any thoughts? Thanks.
This is not possible. You cannot create a CNAME when other records exist, and since the root of any particular zone needs to have an SOA and one or more NS records, a CNAME cannot exist at this level.


You cannot create a CNAME when other records exist, and since the root of any particular zone needs to have an SOA and one or more NS records, a CNAME cannot exist at this level.

I did not realize this – thanks much!

Vonskippy, you're right and I apologize.


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