

I cannot seems to connect to :8080 . It might be due to firewall problem. I need advise here. Had been trying out for days. But when I Curl :8080 it returns the page of "It works!" . However, when i access via my desktop browser :8080, I cannot access the tomcat page.

5 Replies

Are you running curl on the same machine as your desktop browser? What error message (if any) does your desktop browser give?


Thanks for replying.

Are you running curl on the same machine as your desktop browser?

Yes I am running the same but I am running this in Putty which is connected to my Linode.

What error message (if any) does your desktop browser give?

Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to

I cant seems to open the tomcat page from my desktop browser.

On the server type: netstat -nptl

This will tell you which applications are listening to which ports. Look for the IP address before ':8080', this will tell you what IP address tomcat is using.

It looks like the firewall on your Linode is blocking traffic to port 8080. You'll need to allow this for anyone on the outside to be able to reach Tomcat.

The reason that curl can reach it is because it is actually running on your Linode.

Right, when I create linode node and secured it using the default config as specified on Linode library page it only allows http 80, https 443 and ssh 22 ports. I had to add following line to my /etc/iptables.firewall.rules file to open 8080 port.

-A INPUT -p tcp --dport 8080 -j ACCEPT

and reactivate firewall rules to apply new change by executing following command

sudo iptables-restore < /etc/iptables.firewall.rules


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