linux-libre - the free kernel

The Linux Kernel source, as released by Linus on, contains deliberately obfuscated code and binary blobs (to support some hardware devices) to which no source code is available.

Some distributions remove the proprietary code.

For those wishing to roll their own kernel (The Linode library has great tutorials on this), without the non-free code, the Free Software Foundation Latin America (FSFLA) release a version of the Kernel that is 100% free. … ex.en.html">

I have compiled the most recent version which I am currently running on my Linode now 8)

3 Replies

This is generally not something people should do on any system that will be used for production purposes.

Wait - we're supposed to be paying for the linux kernel now?

OMG no wonder the IRS is monitoring everyone's online transactions.

> This is generally not something people should do on any system that will be used for production purposes.

No, not usually :!: This is for the hobbyists and GNU hippies.


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