framework or platform

I am looking at moving my site from drupal 7 to something that uses less resources. Please look at my site and give me any advice on other platforms. I am planning on staying with

API at

3 Replies

I like Django.

But: What's wrong with Drupal? What do you like about Drupal? What features do you need from your framework?

I like drupal alot, but it seems to take alot of resources. Right now I am using an average of 618 MB with 3,425 page views last month. The API gets about 50-70 hits per day. To me that seems like a lot of resources. I like the ability of drupal create new content types, add fields. What I dislike about about drupal is the way each field created in a content is a seperate mysql table. This makes it hard to pull data from database for the API.

I am looking for a framework that will allow me to create content types and add fields as necessary. But I would like all the fields for a content type to be in the same table.

Not very familiar with Drupal, but have you tried enabling cache? I assume Drupal will allow this. We enable cache on all our sites to reduce database querying and server side processing on every page load. Can dramatically speed up the site.

Otherwise, we use Expression Engine and PyroCMS due to their custom content field types. Content field types out of the box is really important and why we chose these CMS's. we didnt choose Drupal because its overly complicated I can't understand why one would choose it when others can do the same but simpler (like Expression Engine). Drupal also insist on outputting its own HTML for some reason, which is also why we did not choose it.

So we have many Expression Engine sites on one server and the memory is low. But only after enabling caching. Saying that, if its a complex site it needs to be built effectively, poor use of expression engine tags can contribute to load times. Maybe Drupal is the same and that's the reason as opposed to the CMS itself.

There are other CMS's that have field types like ModX and Processwire (not used these). I wouldn't use a CMS that needs an addon to do this (Wordpress, Joomla)


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