How to host multiple websites on Linode?

I have a Linode server hosting my portfolio. My portfolio was built with Rails 3 and deployed with Nginx and Capistrano. I have a user called deployer and here's my folder structure:


I want to do something like


Right now I'm using a DNS for on the DNS tab And my Linode only have one IP address.

What changes do I need to make to host more than one website? Thanks!

5 Replies

If you want to have your Linode respond with different content when it is accessed by a different name (e.g.,, you need to set up "name-based virtual hosting." The nginx guides in the Linode library discuss this. You can find additional documentation by searching on that term.


If you want to have your Linode respond with different content when it is accessed by a different name (e.g.,, you need to set up "name-based virtual hosting." The nginx guides in the Linode library discuss this. You can find additional documentation by searching on that term.

I'll take a look.

Create a file under /etc/apache2/sites-available for each website you want. You could name the files by the domain, such as

Add the following to the file, with the information changed for your website:

 <virtualhost *:80=""># Admin email, Server Name (domain name), and any aliases

  # Index file and Document Root (where the public files are located)
  DirectoryIndex index.html index.php
  DocumentRoot /home/example_user/public/

  # Log file locations
  LogLevel warn
  ErrorLog  /home/example_user/public/
  CustomLog /home/example_user/public/ combined</virtualhost> 

Then run````
sudo a2ensite

and then````
sudo service apache2 restart

Repeat this process for each web server directory and website you want to create.

I'm using Nginx as my web server.

I have the Linode's IP address and I have my domain ( I have my domain configured with nginx and passenger and everything works just fine. Now that I don't need the Linode's ip address to access my website, I want to use it for a different project like this:

/home/deployer/apps/ (
/home/deployer/apps/beta/ (xx.xx.xx.xx Linode's ip)

How can I accomplish that?

PS: I'm not using the sites-enabled/sites-available folders.


I'm using Nginx as my web server.

I have the Linode's IP address and I have my domain ( I have my domain configured with nginx and passenger and everything works just fine. Now that I don't need the Linode's ip address to access my website, I want to use it for a different project like this:

/home/deployer/apps/ (
/home/deployer/apps/beta/ (xx.xx.xx.xx Linode's ip)

How can I accomplish that?

PS: I'm not using the sites-enabled/sites-available folders.

That can be accomplished by setting up a virtual host in Nginx, setting the server_name to your Linode's IP address. You'd then set the root to /home/deployer/apps/beta (or whatever you want to serve via the IP). I actually use that trick at home due to a bug in my router – I have remote management disabled, but it still displays the remote management page UNLESS I forward connections to my home server to give people a "Quit Spying On Me!" message :wink:

EDIT: Personally I think using sites-available/sites-enabled keeps things more organized, it makes it easier to enable/disable virtual hosts without deleting or moving them. Just my 1 cent.


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