Ideal Debian source

I think has been mentioned before, but anyone on hosts located at HE: you might want to use in your /etc/apt/sources.list for your Debian updates. It's only 6 hops away, with a ping of 3.3ms for me at host15; I get over 1MB/s downloads.

Top notch, I tell you.

6 Replies

Now what would be awesome would be a debian mirror on linode….

Yea it would be very cool . . . and if it's stable it will only get updated once every 2 years :D j/k!!!

I love Debian . . . . Just think it is amazing how long it takes some things to become "stable".

It can been a very good thing.

A Gentoo GRP mirror would be nice too.

I tried my first debian install on a machine at home last week - I thought it was a shocker !

Maybe I should try the new graphical installer.

The speed of mirrors might vary from time-to-time as some get much more popular.

After backing up your /etc/apt/sources.list, just install and run apt-spy.

apt-spy will test the speed of connection from your server to the Debian mirros and automatically create the appropriate sources.list.

Keep in mind apt-spy might take minutes to finish running, depending on the number of servers it tests. You can limit this and other settings using parameters.


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